I think my guinea pig hates me :(

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Mar 12, 2011
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I really do think that he hates me...

After 4 weekly visits to the vet and the operation to have his teeth and eye fixed, Sergio won't let me touch him, not one hair! I thought that he was just stressed because of going to the vet so often, but it's been 4 days since our last visit there (when the op took place) and he's still mad at me!

He used to jump on my lap and let me stroke him for hours and he really enjoyed being held and played with, but lately I think that he just wants to be left alone. Every time I try to touch him, he runs away screaming before I have even touched a hair!

His right eye is sewn with stitches so I always try to approach him from the left side, so that he can see me and not get scared, but he always runs away, no matter what I do!

I think that he hates me for making him suffer the visits to the vet, the operation and all the pain it caused him... On Friday we have another appointment to the vet so I'm afraid that things will be even worse after that... :... If only he knew that everything I do is for his own well being..

Has anything similar ever happened to you? Will he ever love me and let me touch him again without running away? Will he ever enjoy me playing with him? I feel so sad with him not wanting me close to him anymore.. :...
My Frodo was the same. He was at the vets every friday for 8 weeks! As soon as he saw his travel box he'd go mental and leg it. I'm sure he'll calm down eventually. Bribe him with veggies! Put your hand in with his faves and let him take it.
Sounds like he needs to trust you again, also if he has one eye, maybe thats an adjustment? Zuki still screams when I try and hold him, makes me laugh tbh. Since he's perfectly happy sitting in my lap.
Thank you so much!

I'll try to feed him with my hand, maybe that will calm him down a bit... But I am afraid that he won't calm down 100%, unless we stop the visits to the vet and he starts eating again on his own... I believe that these are the two things that stress him the most... Going to the vet and syringe-feeding! :(
aww I'm sure he *** settle eventually once the vet visits stop! As he's ajusting to one eye i would mabybe talk to him as your approaching then put your hand in with veggies! :)
Radar, my degu, got gastric stasis and had to be syringe fed for a fortnight, fairly soon after a serious foot bone infection that resulted in him losing the foot. By the time we had finished he was completely vicious, in a put your hand in the cage and he would attack sort of way. It was completely heartbreaking to see this friendly little chap we had adopted get like that. But now several months later he is back where he was, very friendly and bouncy (although I still handle him with care - by the time we'd finished I dont think i had a finger that wasn't bitten).

it just takes a little time.

Medical treatment and pain is not great to inflict on a piggy, even if it is to save its life. Sergio will slowly come back to his old self when he realises that nothing more is going to happen to him; but that takes time and you will have to bear it, even if it upsets you.

I know that it is something that Sergio will hate even more, but are you weighing him daily? A piggy can lose a lot of weight after an op, especially one that may impact on his mouth and eating, so it is important to control how much food he takes in. Can you gently shoo him into an upturned hidey and weigh him in there? That way you don't have to touch him. Of course, you will have to weigh the hidey when it is empty as reference.

I have been through it with several piggies; so I know how gutting it is for you.
Sounds awful. I've had a couple of pigs that were rather difficult to get know when we first got them. It would be awful to have to go back to the beginning.

I guess the comfort is that they can't stay angry forever. Hopefully.
Thank you all sooo much! All your advice, sympathy and help is very useful to me now!

I know how important it is to weigh him daily after the op, so I do it no matter what... Fortunately, he doesn't seem to be bothered when I try to pick him up, he's just not so friendly with me any more. No biting so far, but he definitely doesn't enjoy being stroke or hugged in any way!

I'll just give him the time he needs to calm down... What's the most important right now is for him to be in good health again. I just didn't know if this behaviour is normal, cause it's the first time I had to face such a situation!

Thanks again! :)
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