I Think Bear Might Be Depressed?


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
Bear is my Neutered Male.

He used to live with three females in a herd,
Sadly this year we suddenly lost two of the girls a few weeks apart.

He still lives with Lottie, but recently this past week or so I've noticed he doesn't seem himself,
He's not lost weight and he is still eating and drinking but he just seems... not himself.

I find him just standing looking a lot of the time and he's lost some of his usual bouncy-Ness.
Even my boyfriend has noticed! And he's not even a piggie slave :/ he said it doesn't seem as busy in there anymore.

He doesn't seem to have any symptoms that would make me think he's sick, no runny nose or clogged up eyes, not mites or any lumps, still pooing normally.

The only thing that I can think of is he's depressed without his usual hord of females? Even though he's still got Lottie so he's not alone, could he still be loney?
One of the girls we lost, Taini, was his original bonded female,
So they had a strong bond!

I was thinking about introducing Anya and Aurora my bonded pair of girls to him and Lottie,
Do you think this could help?
Bear is my Neutered Male.

He used to live with three females in a herd,
Sadly this year we suddenly lost two of the girls a few weeks apart.

He still lives with Lottie, but recently this past week or so I've noticed he doesn't seem himself,
He's not lost weight and he is still eating and drinking but he just seems... not himself.

I find him just standing looking a lot of the time and he's lost some of his usual bouncy-Ness.
Even my boyfriend has noticed! And he's not even a piggie slave :/ he said it doesn't seem as busy in there anymore.

He doesn't seem to have any symptoms that would make me think he's sick, no runny nose or clogged up eyes, not mites or any lumps, still pooing normally.

The only thing that I can think of is he's depressed without his usual hord of females? Even though he's still got Lottie so he's not alone, could he still be loney?
One of the girls we lost, Taini, was his original bonded female,
So they had a strong bond!

I was thinking about introducing Anya and Aurora my bonded pair of girls to him and Lottie,
Do you think this could help?

Firstly, please have Bear vet checked. The loss of a beloved companion can lower the immune system and give underlying issues a chance to come to the fore. There are not always obvious signs when you are dealing with a mystery weight loss.
Any weight loss of over 50g should be ideally seen by vet. You may also want to start topping up your boy with syringe feed to help stabilise the weight. Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

You can see how the piggies react when your two pairs meet through the bars in a divided run before you start bonding and be prepared that the two top piggies may not necessarily come to an understanding about which is losing their top spot. give them time to get used to each other.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics