I Need Some Advice. Which Job Would You Take?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 30, 2014
Reaction score
Sutton in Ashfield, UK.
I've just found myself in a problem.
I've been looking for work since the beginning of the year. With no luck.

Last week I finally came across something. An apprentiship, working with animals! Great, I applied, went for an initial interview and have trail shifts next Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. Although it's not a 'real job' because it's an apprentiship working with animals is something I've wanted to do for a long time and I can make a bit of money on the side.

I've been so excited for it.. Until now.. A few weeks ago I went for a job interview at Chiltern Mills (it sells curtains, bedding, that kind of thing) and that interview was unsucessful. However, I've just received a phone call saying they can offer me a job, 12 hours a week, but will probably end up being more so this has just thrown me into confusion.

Now it's between a apprentiship in something I've wanted to do for a long time or a job, which I don't exactly have an interest in, but will probably give me more money in the long run. I'm not sure if it's a permanent job or not though, however. She did tell me on the phone to of course attend my trail shifts at the apprentiship and I can decide from there, so I'm not in a rush to decide until next week.

I'm kinda just looking for advice as I don't really have anyone to talk to about it in person. What would you do? I know being animal lovers the first thought is going to work with animals. I think that too. I'm totally lost right now.

If anyone has any advise, I'd greatly appreciate it!
I really wouldn't want to persuade your choices. But if it were me, I would choose the apprenticeship, it is something you will enjoy.
I hope you make the right decision! x
Either choice is valid, but if it was me i would do the animal apprenticeship, if its something you have always wanted to do and will enjoy, in the long run you will get a training skill and also doing something you do is a great thing :) Either way good luck, its great you have choices :) x
Personally id go with the apprenticeship! Life is too short to be unhappy!
It will give you training and lead you to a job you will love.
Thank you all. I've been thinking the same! Go with what I enjoy.

I think I'm going to take a walk to the other shop either tomorrow or Monday and ask for some information about the job they want to give me as she didn't explain a huge amount.
I'd personally go for the apprenticeship. You never know when (if!) you might have the chance to do that again. =)
Apprenticeship! :)
Ok, so the money will be naff for a while. But you will learn so much about the things you love doing and you will soon be racking it in. I wish I did it years ago!
Best of luck with whateveryou choose Abbie :) xx
I would go with the apprenticeship too. The money may be poo for a while but it will give you the experience to go further in something you will enjoy doing x
I would go for the apprenticeship too. You might find that you enjoy the job so much that the low wage doesn't bother you. What sort of animals will you be looking after? Farm animals? I would hazard a guess its not zoo animals as you need a lot of qualifications to get a zoo job. Good luck with the trial shifts. I hope it is a permanent job.
Take the opportunity for the apprenticeship. Life is too short to be doing something you don't enjoy.

My dad always says this to me whenever I'm making a big step in life. When it came to choosing what course to do at university, he told me to do what I enjoy, not what I think will benefit me most in the future, because we never know what our futures hold.

And, again recently, I'm wanting to take a change my area of research, despite the fact it will scupper all chances of progressing in the field I am currently in. People are advising me against it, but he's telling me to do which I'd enjoy more. And I really do enjoy the other area so much more.

So, yes. Absolutely. You can't buy happiness, and that's worth everything. =)
I would go with the apprenticeship too - a) You need to enjoy your work B) Plenty of shops tell you that there will be more hours available,but this generally isn't the case - at the upmarket supermarket where my children work, everyone is fighting for more hours and they just arn't available - or its only 3 hours and you have to take off your bus fare there and back and it's just not worth your while - this seems to be the same with a lot of shops at the moment - only a few hours so it keeps the need for paying out sick pay etc.
I'd go with the apprenticeship. You will be doing something you enjoy/want to do, gaining experience and earning money too. I know the the money isn't great but think about what it will do in the long term for your career as I assume the apprenticeship leads to a qualification?

Well done for getting apprenticeship & job offer at the same time. I've also been job searching since the start of the year so understand how tough it is.

Good luck with your trial shifts - and enjoy! :)
It there a possibility you could do both? Best of both worlds then, more money coming in and a job you love
i think i would probably go for the apprenticeship too, something you enjoy, doesn't feel like work generally. You'll get more satisfaction out of learning what you're interested in.:nod:

12hrs isn't a lot of hours for a job to earn money with, i guess you could check if they need weekend hrs & do your apprenticeship in the week like cee-cee suggested enjoyment & extra money.

Try your trial shifts, try to find out information &the expectations of them regarding the apprenticeship. Also go find out a bit more about the shop job first . you can at least make an informed decision.

:fog:just remember the retirement age keeps going up & you will be working many years before you stop..... Do the job that makes you the happiest hopefully you will be a long time in it :D

good luck. xx
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