I Need Help ! :(

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Banana Hammock

I Recently Bought A Male Baby Grunty Pig In Feb As A Mate For My Older Male. And Yesturday They Started Fighting .. :o Well The Younger Piggy Beat Up My Older Pig.
Iv Had To Separate Them But I Wanted To Know That In Time If I Cud Ever Put Them Back In The Same Cage Togetha Agen? Please Help ! :-\
Hi and welcome to the forum from us in OZ :)
This needs to be in behaviour section and you might find that more people will see it... i'm hoping one of the mods will transfer for you O0
Was there blood shed? and how long had they been together....
Your younger piggie could be going thru his teenage years so he might be trying to be the dominant one ... this is normal behaviour for boars :)
Please look at other threads on here for advice as well as going to Barmy4Boars web site it has huge amounts of helpful advice.
Wishing you luck with your two piggies, keep us posted :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: :smitten:

btw my two boys loved living together for ages but then i found one became more dominant and it became impossible for them to live together, we separated them with a wire divider so they could chat to each other and they also had lots of floor time together which they loved.
it depends what kind of fighting it was...like Glynis said, if there was bloodshed or cuts of any kind it's possible you may not be able to put them back together.
However, humping, rumbling and chattering at each other is not a full blown fight really. I wonder if you accidently put the baby pig in the same cage/hutch as the older pig straight away? They need to get to know each other outside of the hutch for a good week or so before they can both go in together.
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