I need help please.

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New Born Pup
Nov 6, 2011
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Hi I am new here,

I got my guinea pig Grimble a couple of weeks ago I have had previous guinea pigs. I am worried about his behaviour he was ok with being handled for a few weeks he would sit in my hands and on my lap and eat his veggies but he has become very fidgity and keeps running away and hiding in my hair earlier he nearly escaped. He was fine when I first go him running about the couch happily.

I moved him to a different cage is this effecting him? he is also not eating his dried food or drinking very much water. Please help I am very worried!
Hello :)

Do you know if the food your feeding him is the same as either the pet shop or rescue where you got him ? i recommend not feeding the colourful food because of all the additives and the lack of nutrition, stick to a plain pellet thats always best :)

Do you add vitamin drops to your water ? this can sometimes 'cause a piggie to loose interest in it, if you worried about him/her not getting enough water, you can feed them extra watery veggies untill you figure out why he/she isn't for eg. Cucumber :)

Every piggie needs time to come out of there shell and maybe your piggie is still a little unsure of there surroundings and needs time to adjust !
Sometimes if you get a blanket and lay it out on your bed or somewhere the piggie can't escape, just leave them to run around and sit at eye level say on the floor next to your bed, that way when your piggie is ready they come to you, using food will help your pig relate you to food and will make him trust you more :) Just keep taking him/her out it's the best thing to do :)

Btw welcome to the form !
I have been feeding him plain pellets the pet shop was using the mix so I got a bag to mix in to adjust him to the change. I don't add vitamins to the water and have been feeding him cucumber and baby tomatos and grapes. Thank you for your response great tips.

Quick question, is your guinea pig on his own? He should have a friend, it's a guinea pig requirement. There's some great people on here who will help to pair him up with another boar.

Is the cage bigger or smaller? The space could be overwhelming him, especially if he hasn't got a friend to roam around with.

It can be difficult to pair a boar up - but plenty of people on here can give you great advice.

Please do make sure he's not on his own. It would be a very lonely life for him if he were.

he is on his own I am wanting to get another one. I have heard boars fight though. he seems happy now he has come out his shell more now and got a few things to entertain him.
That's good. Please don't feel afraid to ask for some help on boar bonding. You might be really interested in the post in the rescue section about Marco the rescue piggie who's being bonded with Toby as we speak :)

They're having a whale of a time. Fighting can occur but using the help of a reputable rescue they can really help to reduce that and match him with a buddy for life.

Or controversially you could consider neutering and then picking him a piggie wife :)) Some people don't agree with neutering a healthy animal, some people say it's better because in the wild you'd have a boar with lots of wives - so it's a hot topic for guinea pig keepers. Depends which side of the fence feels right for you.

Personally my boys are getting on well enough, although my little Floyd does get some bullying, but Manny makes it up with some kisses later. They're still young and who knows how it might develop but if I was confident with the right vet and I felt that my boys were healthy and strong (at the moment they have skin conditions - so absolutely not - and they are far too young) but under a different set of circumstances I would consider it. Then I'd split the cage so they could still chat to one another and have them each with a piggie wife! I just feel getting to witness their personalities, Floyd could do with someone very gently and loving, whereas Manny would need a rough and tumble play mate :)

Poor Floyd would love to snuggle up at bed time but Manny boots him out the bed every night. But watching them together is the best experience, Floyd follows Manny everywhere, Manny is so much bigger and faster and watching Floyd desperately trying to keep up is so cute. Plus they call out to each other. One time Manny escaped! I couldn't get hold of him for the life of me, he had me running around like a maniac! In the end I didn't catch him, it was Floyd calling out to him that made Manny voluntarily go back to his cage - so so cute! They are so protective of one another. There's a whole lot of piggie love to watch with two x)
aww that sounds really cute! especially him running away and Floyd calling him! I got Grimble from a pet shop but I think I will defo be getting the next one from a rescue center. Thank you for your help. quick question if moving to guineas that dont know each other in together should you give them a wee while to get to know each other say give them some floor time together before moving them into a cage together? xx
I'm sure there is a sticky on here or on the guinea lynx website about how to introduce boars - that will help you - or you can take grimble "boar dating" at a local rescue where he can choose his own friend and the rescue will do the introductions for you:))
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