I need HELP! Odie and Milo fought!

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gp lover

Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 7, 2009
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I need to know what to do when blood has been drawn?! Odie has a gash around his mouth area, and the rest are minor. We werent home at the time, and had just walked through the door when we heard them fighting! I dont think they were fighting for long, but they did damage! I dont think I can have them placed together anymore. :( Oh and after the fight, one of them, Milo, began to do a kinda churping noise, like a bird...What does this noise mean?
Please help, they are seperated now, and I'm looking for ways to keep them seperated in their home...
I'm afraid after blood has been drawn that's it. They should stay separated.
What are they housed in?

Can put a divide between them so they can't harm one another, either temporary or permanent. If it's a shop cage you could do this temporarily until you can house one somewhere else or if you have a run you could put one in this & leave the other in the cage.

The chirping is said to be a noise piggies make when they are stressed, however, i have heard a piggy do this when she's waiting for her veggies :)
I'm afraid after blood has been drawn that's it. They should stay separated.
What are they housed in?

If you can put a divide between them they can't harm one another. If it's a shop cage you could do this temporarily until you can house one somewhere else or if you have a run you could put one in this & leave the other in the cage.

The chirping is said to be a noise piggies make when they are stressed, however, i have heard a piggy do this when she's waiting for her veggies :)

Yeah right now all we have available for them is a store cage, its the extra large one, we have seperated one in a "pet taxi" while we are making the changes, and the other is in a small cubby hole.

They have calmed already, but are just waiting for theyre new home. -.- I cant believe they have become like this! >.< My bf is upset that they cant get alone, but I'm more sad and nervous...I hope this stops, we never had a **** with our other guinea when he was still alive. I guess they just dont like each other now...:(

What about the cuts and bites? What can I do for them to make it easyer for them and clean it up?
They "can" look worse than they actually are. I would bathe them with salt water & then leave them but keep an eye on them to make sure they are healing.

You never know they may re-bond when they've had time to calm down but generally once they have inflicted wounds on one another they don't :(

How old are they?
One is the oldest, hes Odie, hes turning a year in late November. The other (Milo) is about 6 months old...
It does sound like the hormones have kicked in :(

I am hoping, once they've had time apart, they will miss one another & will be happy to be back together. I'll keep my fingers crossed & pls let us know how they get on :)
I will surely let you all know. Thank you for the help. They have been seperated since yesterday, and will remain like this until Milo can calm down around Odie. (Odie didnt want to fight him, but Milo went crazy and kept wanting to attack him after they had been seperated). >.< Again, thank you!
Ok, the boys are still seperated, doesnt seem like they will be friends anytime soon. :( I noticed that Odie doesnt have his front teeth! Hes got his lower half, but not the upper. Ive been feeding him by hand and cutting his food to easy to eat sizes for him. Hes eatting well. But I dont think hes eatting much of his pellets...should I try and mush them up for him? >.< Hes also drinking water very well. I know his teeth will grow back in no time, but his gums look kinda swollen (sp?). Will they grow back straight like he had them before? :( I sure hope so! :)
you can put a plastic partition in there cage and see how they get one (make it see through but strong!)

They have already been seperated, and it is see through, and they can even (barely) feel eachother if they'd like. Its just the teeth problem now...
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