I just got a new pig for my guinea


New Born Pup
May 9, 2023
Reaction score
Cebu, Philippines
Hello update to my guinea journey as a New Guinea mom.

I just got another pig for my guinea and when We introduced them to each other they purred a lot idk what really but they are like motorcycles here. I also don’t know if they are fighting or just playing cuz my guinea pig climbs onto the new pig and humps her, I think she’s showing dominance to the new guinea but the new guinea is just idgaf. They are both sows. They are so hyperactive they run around their cage and sometimes they are just calm sitting or laying next to each other but the next minute they’re like quarreling squeaking a lot and purring. I tried to quarantine the new guinea but she just finds way to climb to the other cage where my other guinea is. Our guinea is also so clingy to our new pig.
Keep a close eye on them. Did you introduce them in a neutral area with no items or smells of either piggie just a pile of hay. Rumbling and humping are fairly mild dominance and your old piggie is showing the new piggie she wants to be boss. If the you piggie is happy to be the underpig then all will go well, if not and she challenges for the top position then problems can arise or they will come to an agreement

Here is a comprehensive guide to bonding and the behaviours you may come across while the two week settling 8n happens

Behaviour, Bonding & Bereavement Guides
Rumbling and humping are fine. Only separate them if they're actually fighting (drawing blood), or if over time one pig is getting constantly bullied and showing signs of depression. Separating guinea pigs and then putting them back together is very stressful for them, better to let them hash it out.

This is assuming you're right that they are both sows. Are you absolutely sure?
Did you check the sex of both piggies yourself? If you didn’t, then please do so now. A boar will climb bars if a cage to get in with a sow, I’ve never heard of a sow doing it to get with another sow.
Did you check the sex of both piggies yourself? If you didn’t, then please do so now. A boar will climb bars if a cage to get in with a sow, I’ve never heard of a sow doing it to get with another sow.
That's what I was thinking too...