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I have ringworm


Junior Guinea Pig
May 18, 2022
Reaction score
USA, Florida
Hey guys, its been a few months since I’ve posted.

Recently, I’ve somehow contracted ringworm. The spot is right underneath my elbow, on my right arm. I did not realize this until late last night when I was very itchy and applied lotion all over me. Now that I know I have ringworm, I have already handled my guinea pigs multiple times yesterday, and before that as well. I’m keeping my distance and avoiding touching them, but I’m worried if they’ve already gotten it. I’m not sure the spots ringworm shows up in on guinea pigs, but I have anti-fungal cream that I’ve already put on myself, and I’m debating putting it on them. Can someone please give me advice? Thank you.
Hopefully you didn’t get any spores on them. I guess I would follow the strict hygiene steps in the guide on ringworm, even though it’s you that had it.

I wouldn’t self-medicate the piggies though. If you suspect they have it then it’s better to get them vet checked.

Hope it clears up soon and doesn’t get worse.
Hopefully you didn’t get any spores on them. I guess I would follow the strict hygiene steps in the guide on ringworm, even though it’s you that had it.

I wouldn’t self-medicate the piggies though. If you suspect they have it then it’s better to get them vet checked.

Hope it clears up soon and doesn’t get worse.
I hope not. I’ve been wearing a band-aid over it and put antifungal cream on it, but I’m even worried about putting their hay in their cage, even if I’ve washed my hands thoroughly
I had assumed anti fungal creams were effective against ringworm in guinea pigs? Certain anti fungal creams, that is

creaming does not catch all the spores as they cover a wider area than you would cream, thereby running the risk reinfection with further shedding of spores into the environment. It is the least effective and old fashioned method of treating ringworm.
The very best way of treating confirmed ringworm in piggies is with oral introfungol (Prescription from a vet)
The second best way is with malaseb shampoo. Bathing at least covers the whole body whereas creaming will not.

the guide I linked in explains dealing with ringworm
I had assumed anti fungal creams were effective against ringworm in guinea pigs? Certain anti fungal creams, that is
Our vet suggested canesten for a small patch of ringworm on one of my guinea's nose, but because of advice on here (from very experienced owners) we also bathed all three guinea pigs (the confirmed case every week for 3 weeks, the others just at the start and end of treatment). I was very worried it was going to spread and maybe we were just lucky, but I thought it might cheer you up to hear the cream and baths did work within 3 weeks and the other two stayed unaffected. I do feel like I've washed everything in the house and myself endlessly for the past month though! Good luck, I hope it clears up quickly and they stay fine.