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New Born Pup
Nov 26, 2016
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Hello I am new here but I had two Guinea pigs... Ozzy & Lemmy unfortunately today I found Lemmy dead! The strangest thing is he had no hands or feet! Completely gone! And parts of his face was missing too! So upsetting! And I havnt had these pair long

Any ideas what could have happened? Is it possible Ozzy could have eaten him?

And now that Ozzy is alone...what's the best thing to do with him?
I am so sorry for your loss - a sudden death is never easy.
I think bereaved guinea pigs often nibble at their deceased companions in an attempt to revive them - it sounds like this might ave happened with your 2 boys.

It might be worth taking a look at this thread;

Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
Oh how awful :'(
That must be heartbreaking :(

Do u have rats nearby? It sounds like u may have a predator ,weasels ,ferrets,rats could all be possibilities if it was a sudden death
Sorry to hear of your loss. I would make sure your remaining guinea is in a secure hutch/run. Preferably bringing him in if he is an outdoor piggy-just to make sure he is safe.

Was your remaining guinea stressed or traumatised when u seen it-this may indicate if it was an attack of some kind.
Check him over for bites etc.

Maybe some boar dating from your local rescue so that your guinea doesn't get lonely. But dont get another until you know they're both safe &not at risk of further attacks :(

Big hug for you to have lost your little man so tragically. Xx
Thanks guys! No chance of any predator as they are indoor and in my living room which is safe and also 4th floor up in a flat so difficult rodents getting in and never had rodent problem before so it's very hard to explain! And yes Ozzy was traumatic! I was just going in to feed them heard only one pig squeak and in a different tone and accent if that's the right word? And I thought that's odd and then found Lemmy dead

It's just a completely mystery!
Is it possible Ozzy could have panicked so much to have eaten lemmys face hands and feet?
I am so sorry :( It's awful finding one of your piggies has passed away, and in such circumstances it must have been so upsetting!
These things happen, don't beat yourself up. Little Ozzy needs you to be strong for him now!
Thanks guys! No chance of any predator as they are indoor and in my living room which is safe and also 4th floor up in a flat so difficult rodents getting in and never had rodent problem before so it's very hard to explain! And yes Ozzy was traumatic! I was just going in to feed them heard only one pig squeak and in a different tone and accent if that's the right word? And I thought that's odd and then found Lemmy dead

It's just a completely mystery!
Is it possible Ozzy could have panicked so much to have eaten lemmys face hands and feet?

It would be very, very odd if Ozzy were to have eaten any part of Lemmy, as other posters have mentioned, nibbling in these circumstances would be possible, in limited circumstances. Are those parts completely gone (i.e, the bones and cartilage are removed too?). Guinea pigs can't digest meat, and have no biological drive to do so, if indeed Ozzy did this then the bones (if they're also detached) will show up in his excrement (poop).
Here is a photo if this works?
Sorry to anyone who finds this disturbing

Hello I am new here but I had two Guinea pigs... Ozzy & Lemmy unfortunately today I found Lemmy dead! The strangest thing is he had no hands or feet! Completely gone! And parts of his face was missing too! So upsetting! And I havnt had these pair long

Any ideas what could have happened? Is it possible Ozzy could have eaten him?

And now that Ozzy is alone...what's the best thing to do with him?

I am very sorry for your shock; it always nasty when you come up against a sudden death and a kind of "crime scene" scenario that leaves you with lots of questions.

Guinea pigs can overgroom/gnaw their comrades in an increasingly desperate attempt to wake them up if the death has been sudden and very unexpected. It happens occasionally.
The other possibility is that a rat could have got into a hutch somehow if your guinea pigs are outside; they kill guinea pigs anytime they can get at them. Guinea pigs can also die from sheer fright if predators are trying to get into a hutch, as well as heart attacks or strokes out of the blue at any age.

Please bring Ozzy inside (if they are not already indoors) and make sure that he is cosy and warm with lots of fresh hay in a clean environment. Check whether he is eating or not. If not, you will need to step in with syringe feeding. He is likely somewhat traumatised. If he is not eating, please have him checked by a vet and if he gets the all clear, find a companion for him as soon as possible. Make sure that any housing is safe, first and foremost.
Please take the time to read these guides here; they are practical and detailed, and give you all the tips and options that you need right now far better than I can pack into this post.
Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
Complete Syringe Feeding Guide

We may be able to help you better if you please added your country, state/province or UK county to your details, so we can tailor any advice to what is relevant, available and doable where you are. We have got members from all over the world. Please click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details and scroll down to location. Thank you.
Thank you but as said earlier I live 4th floor in a flat so difficult for rodents to gain access... And never had any problem before here so it's just not possible...
And I live in the Midlands in England in Leicestershire... They have also never been outdoors and have always lived indoors
So it's not impossible that Ozzy has nibbled at Lemmy this much? Indicating that Lemmy died before? Right now I would really love to know how he might died if that's the case? What are the possibility? They are both still young! And they are brothers
Could they have had a fight even?
So it's not impossible that Ozzy has nibbled at Lemmy this much? Indicating that Lemmy died before? Right now I would really love to know how he might died if that's the case? What are the possibility? They are both still young! And they are brothers
Could they have had a fight even?

No, definitely no fight - but what you have found is perfectly consistent with Ozzy desperately trying to rouse Lemmy. He must have died a while before you have come on the scene.

But it would be great if you cleaned the cage tonight and made sure that Ozzy is as comfy and secure as can be. Have they got a hidey and plenty of hay?
Yes I have done exactly that this evening... Very thoroughly cleaned out the cage nice fresh hay, some carrots which he hasn't touched yet but has eaten plenty of straw and had some water... And cuddle from me but he is looking very depressed in there and his squeak has really changed like he has a sore throat and a blocked nose all of a sudden.... Also his hands and ears have got pretty red...not sure why
Yes I have done exactly that this evening... Very thoroughly cleaned out the cage nice fresh hay, some carrots which he hasn't touched yet but has eaten plenty of straw and had some water... And cuddle from me but he is looking very depressed in there and his squeak has really changed like he has a sore throat and a blocked nose all of a sudden.... Also his hands and ears have got pretty red...not sure why

Ozzy is in shock and is withdrawn with grieving, but it is an encouraging sign that he is still eating. That means that he is not acutely pining.
Paws and ears go red when a piggy is warm and is shedding extra body heat through increased blood flow especially through the ears - that is how they regulate the body temperature. Thanks for cleaning the cage.

I would recommend to contact Honeybunnies Rabbit and Guinea Pig Rescue. You will be in safe hands with them for looking for a suitable companion for Ozzy. They are in one of the villages off Fosse Park.
Wow! Thank you very much for your help!
Much appreciated!
Still a mystery to me why Lemmy died wish I knew or wish Ozzy could speak to me and tell me what happened... One of those things I'll never know I guess.

But one strange thing happened last night when I went in the cage to feed them is that Lemmy put his hand on my hand something he or Ozzy has never done ( yhat was the last i saw lemny alive) and now Ozzy let's me stroke him too! And i dont have to chase him to pick him up anumore First time ever! Isn't this strange
Thank you Wiebke for explaining the situation, Wiebke is the member of forum staff that's the best informed on guinea pig behaviour :). @jay_ It's important that you don't blame yourself for tonight’s events, sometimes these things happen, and guinea pigs do quite often die unexpectedly, if you follow Wiebke's advice, and any further advice she may give, then Ozzy will have the best possible outcome.
I am so sorry for your loss and the shock of finding a beloved pet in that condition.
Sorry for your loss. Sounds like your Ozzy is turning to you for comfort. Bless him. Good luck with finding him a new friend when the time feels right.
This is so sad and must be so traumatic for you and Ozzy.

Many years ago a rat got into my Guineas hutch in our garage. We never did figure out how it got in but it was dead when I found it in their hutch. It's tail had been eaten and some of its paws, both my Guineas were in a very odd mood. It was traumatic for all of us. I wondered if it was injured and the tail was already missing perhaps and that's why it died but it did not explain the paws which I can only come to the conclusion that the Guineas had chewed. It was absolutely awful
I'm so sorry that you have lost your beloved piggy and had the trauma of finding him in this condition. I've nothing to add over the information Wiebke has offered to you. I just hope that you manage to find a new companion in time.
Wow! Thank you very much for your help!
Much appreciated!
Still a mystery to me why Lemmy died wish I knew or wish Ozzy could speak to me and tell me what happened... One of those things I'll never know I guess.

But one strange thing happened last night when I went in the cage to feed them is that Lemmy put his hand on my hand something he or Ozzy has never done ( yhat was the last i saw lemny alive) and now Ozzy let's me stroke him too! And i dont have to chase him to pick him up anumore First time ever! Isn't this strange

Unfortunately, unless you have an expensive post mortem examination done, you will never know what has happened. All I can say is that is must have happened quickly and unexpectedly, or Ozzy would not have reacted like that.Take consolation in that Lemmy can't have suffered much, and even if you had been there, it would have most likely been something that you could not have prevented.
It is a perfect normal reaction to feel guilty or like you have failed any pets in your care at the onset of the grieving process. If it is a death of unknown causes, this emotion is naturally stronger. All that it speaks of is that you are a caring and responsible owner, or you would not feel like that! ;)

The poor boy is still very upset and rather needy for comfort. Grieving guinea pigs either become very withdrawn or they become a lot more interactive if they have a strong need for company. If you sould find him a new friend, that would be great; ideally one of his choosing. We have got rescue and vet linkd in our bereavement care guide.
Ideally, I would use the 2-3 weeks quarantine that you should conduct when a companion has died from aeitehr a transmittable or unknown cause to look to research your options. But glad that Ozzy is eating and is not acutely pining.
Here is the link again: Looking After A Bereaved Guinea Pig
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