I've been using this site now for a couple of months under a false identity! When we got our piggies in January my OH became really interested in doing his best for them and came across this forum which he used for info etc. Then I stumbled along it when he was out and have been posting under his user name. I'm sorry to say my name isn't Ralfie, but Nikki ;D
Maybe I should set up my own account
So if anyone is wondering about why there is someone called Ralfie going on about mothers day and how we still do our normal chores regardless, please don't think he's some deluded dad trying to hog mummies spotlight ;D
Thankfully he isn't called Ralf either, just his nickname
Maybe I should set up my own account
So if anyone is wondering about why there is someone called Ralfie going on about mothers day and how we still do our normal chores regardless, please don't think he's some deluded dad trying to hog mummies spotlight ;D
Thankfully he isn't called Ralf either, just his nickname