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I have a chesty cold!


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 30, 2024
Reaction score
For the past week I’ve been quite stuffy in my nose and have been having some discomfort in my chest and upper back. No luck getting an appointment til next week so not Exaclty sure what it is.
for the most part this week I haven’t been handling the pigs much because I’ve felt too unwel, but today was clean out day and when I got them out I also checked over their nails bums etc. at this point I didn’t think and had them quite close to my face and almost definitely breathed on them.
I’m now really paranoid I’m going to have made them ill! Is it likely my infection could jump species, I obviously didn’t sneeze cough or spit on them just had a bit of close contact. I am feeling a bit better than I have done in the week but still not 100%
Do you think my babies will be okay? I’d hate to have given them something and it be serious for them!
Please don’t worry about your piggies. There is very little that you can pass on to them. Just practise good hand hygiene and all will be well.
I’m linking a very helpful guide for you to read.
