I Have 2 Adult Females, Want To Get Another Baby Piggy (female) - Anybody Have Experience With This?

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New Born Pup
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
seattle, WA
I want to get another piggy. I heard its better to get a baby because it can be an issue with territory if I try to integrate another adult. Is this true? I have 2 females, approx. 3 years old. They are pretty tame, and very comfortable with each other. If I can integrate the baby, please provide some information on how to make this a smooth process. Info from those with prior experience doing this would be great! THANKS!
Hi and welcome!

You may find that integrating a single piggy with a well established adult couple is often not quite sucessful. Trios are the trickiest constellation to get just right without ending with an outsider problem of some sort. The successful trios that I have had have all been together by their own choice (preferably by dating/meet&greet at a rescue); the unsuccessful one was a pair of (as it turned out) squabbling sisters I rehomed for a bereaved neutered boar of mine. Both girls got on well with the boar but not necessarily with each other.

If you can, rather consider dating your two ladies with a neutered boar, who by virtue of his gender is not quite part of the same hierarchy but needs to get on with both girls, or rehome two bonded young sows that will then have each other for comfort and company - four piggies constitute a mini-group with slightly different behaviour. This should neatly avoid the dreaded trio/outsider problem, which is entirely character based and therefore not necessarily predictable.

You can find bonding tips at the top of this section.

Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details, as your location will greatly inform any further advice on how to best go about finding a suitable addition and the option you have. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details, then location. In the same section you can also upload your avatar. That is the picture that always appears with your name.
Hi and welcome!

You may find that integrating a single piggy with a well established adult couple is often not quite sucessful. Trios are the trickiest constellation to get just right without ending with an outsider problem of some sort. The successful trios that I have had have all been together by their own choice (preferably by dating/meet&greet at a rescue); the unsuccessful one was a pair of (as it turned out) squabbling sisters I rehomed for a bereaved neutered boar of mine. Both girls got on well with the boar but not necessarily with each other.

If you can, rather consider dating your two ladies with a neutered boar, who by virtue of his gender is not quite part of the same hierarchy but needs to get on with both girls, or rehome two bonded young sows that will then have each other for comfort and company - four piggies constitute a mini-group with slightly different behaviour. This should neatly avoid the dreaded trio/outsider problem, which is entirely character based and therefore not necessarily predictable.

You can find bonding tips at the top of this section.

Could you please add your country, state or (for the UK) your county to your details, as your location will greatly inform any further advice on how to best go about finding a suitable addition and the option you have. Click on your username on the top bar, then go to personal details, then location. In the same section you can also upload your avatar. That is the picture that always appears with your name.

Hello, Thank you so much for the reply. I updated my profile. I will consider the mini group idea of 4. I would need to arrange to provide significantly more space. Any easy tips on expanding an already made c&c cage
I use low wooden frames with a correx tray on top that just lifts up for cleaning purposes as mezzanines; you can easily create an extra 2x2 grid area that way. The big hide below the mezzanine serves as a group dormitory; it mimics a bit what they would like to use.
This album from my facebook piggy page can show you what I am talking about: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.524450487585814.120891.250671101630422&type=3

You can also extend the hay loft. You only need about 2 more square grids to accommodate an extra piggy. You will need the equivalent of 2x6 or 3x4 grids to accommodate four guinea pigs..

There is a recommended good standard rescue in your state; I don't know whether you can get to them? As they practice quarantine, proper sexing and make sure that a sow shouldn't be pregnant etc. they are by far the safest place to get piggies from!
Foggy Creek Cavy Rescue
Auburn, WA
(253) 804-0709
[email protected]
wiebke your set up is amazing. How many do you have in total? You have very lucky piggies
I have has success introducing an older female to two younger females and introducing a younger female to two older girls. So trios do work but I would suggest having a "dating" session at a rescue so your girls can choose their new friend to avoid fall outs.
Before I knew there might be a problem, we added a baby in with 2 older girls. Didn't have a problem at all! Maybe I was lucky!
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