I Got My Piggies!

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jul 12, 2016
Reaction score
Cape Town, South Africa
So excited, I got my piggies today!

cage parts arrived this morning, so this afternoon we went and got 2 female piggies. they're only 5 weeks old. Very cute. I'm hazarding a guess and saying they're abysinnians. Both look very similar though one has black fur around both eyes and one has white fur around one eye. Still thinking of names although I really like the name Patches for the one with both black eyes. Hubby wants a say in naming though so nothing is decided yet.

They're both very scared still, although are now eating and drinking which is a great relief to me.

I was a bit frustrated though because the 2 large grids I ordered for the base and roof I received smaller than I ordered. So there is currently no base grid, just coroplast (which also means I can't raise the cage higher yet), and then I'm having to position both grids on top as a makeshift roof until I get the correct sizes.
The cage seems so HUGE and they are only tiny - I need more stuff for my cage! LoL

At the moment I have a blanket draped down like a fort which they are hiding in. I've made a hay box but I've also put hay under the blanket fort and I've positioned one of the water bottles under it too so they can eat and drink in safety while they adjust.

I managed to get a photo of one of them as I put them in - she kind of froze in terror out in the open, so I snapped a quick pic. Don't have a pic of the other one yet but she is very similar.


The cats keep staring, trying to figure out what's making the blanket move. They haven't actually seen the piggies yet.

Congratulations! Awwwww gorgeous :love: Don't worry they will settle in, just takes a little time. They will soon grow to fill the cage, they never stop small for long!

Love their names, keep us updated on them please. Enjoy!
They actually both ventured out from the blanket fort to check out the rest of the cage half an hour ago! Only very briefly but I'm so pleased they felt brave enough to give it a go!
They were quite active overnight and ate all the carrot I put in last night, and a fair bit of hay. Lots of poops this morning :D

I did a spot clean then have them a little fresh grass. They sat in terror for a few min then ventured out. One is braver than the other and started eating first. Then just as the other decided to try a piece the first one gobbled it all :lol:

I went out a few min later and got them each a tiny leaf of Swiss hard and halved a big leaf of kale. The ine that missed out on the grass ate a piece of Swiss chard. They haven't eaten the other leaves yet.

Theyve been quite active this morning though. After the minute or so of terror when I put stuff in the cage they come out and run a little and play with each other quite a lot.

And now they're both sitting in the hay box! I was worried they wouldn't be able to get in yet as they're still a bit small so i made steps, but they jumped in the side without steps :doh:
They were quite active overnight and ate all the carrot I put in last night, and a fair bit of hay. Lots of poops this morning :D

I did a spot clean then have them a little fresh grass. They sat in terror for a few min then ventured out. One is braver than the other and started eating first. Then just as the other decided to try a piece the first one gobbled it all :lol:

I went out a few min later and got them each a tiny leaf of Swiss hard and halved a big leaf of kale. The ine that missed out on the grass ate a piece of Swiss chard. They haven't eaten the other leaves yet.

Theyve been quite active this morning though. After the minute or so of terror when I put stuff in the cage they come out and run a little and play with each other quite a lot.

And now they're both sitting in the hay box! I was worried they wouldn't be able to get in yet as they're still a bit small so i made steps, but they jumped in the side without steps :doh:

Sounds liek they are settling in well :) It is great to watch them getting used to their surrounding. The hay box steps made me lol, typical piggies
Awwww so cute and tiny! But they will grow quickly and the cage won't seem as huge anymore :D that's when you will have your house verrrry sloooooooowly taken over by extensions :D

Your cats look cute too x
Awwww so cute and tiny! But they will grow quickly and the cage won't seem as huge anymore :D that's when you will have your house verrrry sloooooooowly taken over by extensions :D

Your cats look cute too x

We've had the cage one day amd hubby already commented he thought I was planning multiple levels!
We don't really have enough space to increase length or width, but I do foresee additional levels beig added in future :D
I must say, he's a funny one. He was dead set against getting guinea pigs when I first mentioned it. But I carried on researching and talking about them and going on and on and on....

Then it changed from being dead set against to being "I still don't want them, but you can keep telling me about them", and then after a while he started asking various questions (which thanks to all my research I could answer immediately!), and now, when I finally said I'm going to get them he asked how many, I said two, and he said "oh, I thought three might be nice!". :woot:

Then he came home and saw the cage and commented he was expecting multiple levels, and now he's totally intrigued by them and commenting he still thinks maybe we need a third, and he sits watching them for ages and gets miffed when our son drags him away to do other things :lol:

[my son, on the other hand, who was very excited to be getting them, and who assured me all the way home that they're both his hamsters (he keeps getting confused LoL) and he will look after them all by himself, announced this morning "it's boring watching hamsters!"...]

I finally managed to get a photo of the second piggy.

This is the more timid one, although tonight she's been going crazy and even popcorning quite a bit! She's definitely a lot braver when she thinks the humans aren't interested.

We're still struggling with names but at the moment it seems the one in this photo is Nia, and the other one, who's a bit braver, is either Patches or Pooky. I really like Patches but dh had a cat by that name many years ago, so isnt overly keen. But now hes said we can call her Patches so we'll see. I mostly say Patchy anyway,more than Patches.

Patches actually braved taking a lettuce leaf out my hand this evening (through the bars)! Then after much encouragement one of them finally took the leaf dh was holding, but he doesn't know which one :doh:

I made them a fleece forest this evening which they're loving and has also encouraged them to come out a lot more.
Patches keeps burrowing down to the very bottom of the hay box, right under aaalll the hay, and pushing it up and just going nuts! Shes so funny!
Sounds like they are settling in brilliantly.
And they are just a teeny bit addictive, and don't even get me started on the ever expanding cage thing :lol::lol:
And today we've had wheeking!
Though not entirely at times id expect but it's been really cute and much louder than. I thought!

They're loads braver and will even venture out to eat leaves out my hands (hand in thecage!). I can hold onto the leaf and they stand there and munch while I'm holding it. They scamper off at the slightest sound or movement but I'm so excited they're brave enough to try!
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