I gave in to temptation ...

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2007
Reaction score
North Wales (but from the Wirral)
and got a couple of mini pigs! I saw them and fell in love with their little faces!

Meet Fuzzy & Scruffy!





Mini Pigs!




I know its best to go to a rescue, but I fell in love with these 2 little fluffballs.
They are adorable, bouncing round their cage. Fuzzy has a little sore on his cheek and a gungy ear so they are both going to the vets tomorrow for a check up. Apart from that they have een eating and snuglging up together.
Fuzzy has curly whiskers - is he a rex?
Is there anything I shouldn't feed them until they are older?

Hi Katie

They look like a very cute pair of piggies! I think feeds containing alfalfa should be given to minipigs, but I'm sure someone else will be along to verify that :)

I'm not so sure on things they shouldn't have.

Hope they all check out at the vets okay :)
Thanks Marty!
I haven't given them anything I think would be hard to digest, they are chomping away on their pellets and hay with a bit of cucumber that they love.
I am totally besotted!
Funnily enough Tiger has been shouting a lot more since the minipigs arrived, wonder if he is trying to assert himself as Boss Pig?! :)
Fuzzy has curly whiskers - is he a rex?
Is there anything I shouldn't feed them until they are older?

He looks like a rex but his fur is quite long for a baby - time will tell! If youare going to give them alfafa just give them a little bit for a couple of weeks until they settle in, I prefer not to give my babies alfafa because its high in protein or something like that and older pigs definately shouldn't have unless nursing or sick apparently I may be wrong and someone will soon say if I am.

As for food you can give them everything you give Tiger but just in smaller amounts, little tasters and increase amounts slowly to see if it has any adverse reactions (!) Carrots and cauliflower leaves, cucumber, chopped celery, sweetcorn, babycorn etc but go easy on the cabbage, parsley and if you give them apple cut it up into tiny pieces.

I'm sure others will add to this - enjoy your new babies!
Aww they are so gorgeous.

Maybe I'm blind and didn't notice, are they boys or girls? :) I'm assuming boys but I dunno :P
Aww Katie, they're lovely :smitten: what handsome little lads.

No 'minging curtains' in these pics, where have they gone? ;)
awwwww what little cuties! i don't blame you! i lurv the names to! Fuzzy is so well fuzzy and cute! :smitten:
Boureki said:
Aww Katie, they're lovely :smitten: what handsome little lads.

No 'minging curtains' in these pics, where have they gone? ;)

Awwww lovely little cuties :smitten:

Oh yes the curtains... Isn't it funny what sticke in our minds LOL

Very cute, Fuzzy is definitely a Rexoid, as Piglover said time will tell what sort. :)
Aw thanks everyone, I was worried I'd get shouted at for getting them from a pet shop!

I won't put them in with Tiger - he and Jeremy are side by side and are sort of bonded as they have playtime together so don't want to upset the balance, also they are so much smaller than the other 2.
I have tried them with a little bit of chopped cucumber, and some carrot so far, which they seem to love!

I took them to the vets last night as Fuzzy has something on his cheek - apparently its just a scab, but he had a manky ear - the vet reckoons its mites, i was worried that they were too young for the mite injections but the vet checked up and they have had thier jabs and seem fine today.

How old do you reckon they are? The shop just said a few weeks, but Fuzzy is quite a bit bigger than Scruffy..

Ha ha, the minging curtains are still on the landing! We have a lot of work to do inside the house but we have just had the gardens done so the cosmetic stuff has to wait! You haven't seen the turquoise/gold swirly carpet in the hall yet! :o
ooh, OK, I'll get some Otodex.
Got some GG shampoo for boars, and some coconeem melt. I wasn't sure about bathing them just yet in case it traumatised them too much..
Yes, GG products are wonderful, especially the lemon tea tree and lavender :) The Lice and Easy is supposed to be quite good at keeping away and treating lice as well I believe.

Will look foward to seeing the swirly carpet in due course ;) Glad to hear the curtains are still intact and hanging!
Ah, hello Katie! ;D

Aaagh - I love Fuzzy! He's soooo... fuzzy! So cute! Scruffy's lovely too though - no wonder you fell in love!

I'd like to see the swirly carpet! ;)
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