I have been a wreck ever since my patches died. Iv went through every emotion imaginable... and then i was hit my a new emotion that was a great relief. My granny sent me a pet sympathy card which had a picture of me and patches in it, i was giving him medicine. That picture was taken 2 weeks before he died. I felt an amazing comfort when i opened the envelope and saw me and my baby together... i felt whole again... i felt that my baby was with me again. I feel uplifted and full of happiness, all the special moments that i couldnt remember before because i was so upset came back. I remember all the good times.... i feel him around me now. I went outside and but windshimes over his grave and i picked out a perfect pine cone that he would love to chew on and but it on his grave. Hes my baby... hes still my piggy x>>
In a month or two i plan on adopting another pig to make happy, i want to give all pigs a chance to be loved. I hope this new piggy likes their home with my 6 (7 patches) pigs i have and i hope i can save many more to come.
In a month or two i plan on adopting another pig to make happy, i want to give all pigs a chance to be loved. I hope this new piggy likes their home with my 6 (7 patches) pigs i have and i hope i can save many more to come.