I feel ugh

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jan 26, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham
Today I woke up at 5am with the worst cramps ever (felt extremely bloated) and couldn't lie in bed as it aches so much, and now I generally feel like rubbish :'(

I know it's childish to rant about it, but I haven't felt this bad about it for months on end.

Luckily today I'm not working but I have some maths training (as I'm bad at it), and something else this morning. Sorry for ranting but I haven't got anyone to rant too (I don't have a Mum).

Clare xx
Oh you poor love, that's why you posted that comment in the game room :(

You're not ranting or being childish you're just stating how you feel to your friends, hey if you can't tell us you'd be lonely and we don't want that.
Try a hot water bottle sometimes that can help. Is it that time? If so there's certain tablets that can help you for cramps.
Wishing you all the best with your maths tutoring good on you for making the effort to get the tutoring in the first place :) :)
Maybe a trip to the Doctors they might be able to advise you in the right direction.
Take care love :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* Duke sends you extra piggie kisses to help too :-* :-* :-* :-*
:( poor you, we can be sickies together! :)
i am also down with a cold lol, but getting better ;)
hope the stomache cramps aren't too sore.
Aww sweetie! Rant as much as you like, we're all here for you.

Sending you tons of love and hugs :-* :-*
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