I feel really guilty!

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Aug 10, 2006
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Ive had to seperate my two boys today after a weekend of ummmming and arhhhhing. Theres been more rubbling, teeth chattering, head butting and nipping than normal and i wasnt sure if Ginge was bullying Nugget and allowing him to eat because Nugget always seemed to have a quick munch and then go and sit quietly until Ginge had finished, but this morning i watched him chase Nugget away from the food bowl and pretty much terrorise him for the next ten minutes! So ive seperated them and they both seem to be sulking and lying next to one another against the divider. I feel really bloody guilty but i know ive done the right thing because Nugget hasnt stopped eating today.

They really pull at your heart strings dont they? i love them both to bits and dont want either of them to be sad...... :'(

Have i done the right thing, do you think?
Awwwwwwwww. definitely done the right thing - I meant next time it might not have been a nip! :)
I recon - maybe its pompoms off & a girlie each! any excuse for more piggies!
hils78 said:
I recon - maybe its pompoms off & a girlie each! any excuse for more piggies!
I think you might be right! :)

Its just such a shame because they d seemed fine up to this weekend just the normal dominant behaviour, but then again there men arent they! ;D

no offence to any male members xx
I'd give 'them a day or two and they try again for say, 10 or 15 minutes and see how they go and then put them back in separate cages. Try giving each other some time together every day increasing it (10 minutes, then 20, 30, etc.) They were probably just having a tiff and I'm sure they'll be buddy buddy again :)
amanda said:
Ive had to seperate my two boys today after a weekend of ummmming and arhhhhing. Theres been more rubbling, teeth chattering, head butting and nipping than normal and i wasnt sure if Ginge was bullying Nugget and allowing him to eat because Nugget always seemed to have a quick munch and then go and sit quietly until Ginge had finished, but this morning i watched him chase Nugget away from the food bowl and pretty much terrorise him for the next ten minutes! So ive seperated them and they both seem to be sulking and lying next to one another against the divider. I feel really bloody guilty but i know ive done the right thing because Nugget hasnt stopped eating today.

They really pull at your heart strings dont they? i love them both to bits and dont want either of them to be sad...... :'(

Have i done the right thing, do you think?

I had a similar situation last year & separated mine, i too felt guilty because they did exactly the same as yours but now they're happy living separately they can still see/chatter to one another thru' the mesh but no-one gets starved or injured :)
Aw, sorry to hear you are having this problem. We are having bickering boys here too. I'm hoping its a temp thing as one of the boys has been ill, but will be gutted if we have to seperate. How have you managed to seperate them, are they in a cage, or a C&C? Ours are in a 120cm cage but have no idea how to divide if the time comes :(
isn't it so sad to see them missing each other even though they don't get on. The wee sounds they make just make me feel so bad. But after i put my hand in to stop a fight before i seperated them both, i got a really nasty bite that was meant for the other pig.so that helped me decided that i was doing the right thing.
Thanks everyone, i feel better about it now.

The piggie, Nugget who was being bullied has been popcorning all over the place today, but the bully Ginge keeps coming to front of his cage and i have had to give lots and lots of cuddles (any excuse)! :smitten:

I had a chat to my OH last night and we re going to get them both neutered and go and get them a wife each. I'm sure that will make them smile!
what makes me laugh is when fully grown piggies popcorn,it looks real funny ,I'm used to seeing baby piggies popcorn and go mental but when the bigger ones do it,its a scream
I'm glad you saw yours doing it anyway and I hope things get sorted
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