i dont wanna give my piggie up (

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Aug 1, 2011
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Newquay, Cornwall
Hi guys,

I have two 6 month old piggies, but they don't get along. I've separated them with a division down the middle of their C&C cage. Diego the more confident pig seems to be coping just fine. He is happy, confident and doesn't seem to mind that he is away from Scruff. Although he is still quite agressive through the mesh to Scruff.

Scruff on the other hand has became more and more shy. He seems to retreat into his shell more every day, and I think Diego being agressive towards him could be making it worse. Diego doesn't flinch when I walk in the room, stroke him or pick him up - but Scruff is always hidden away even when I'm well away from him.

I am heartbroken about this, as I love them both dearly. But its getting to the point where I think it's unfair on Scruff to be sad and alone, he cant even get attention from me cos no matter what I do he just wont let me near him.

What can I do? I feel like the worse owner in the world. How can i being doing so well with one piggie and so badly with the other?
I am so sorry to hear that, however you cant blame yourself. I supposed it is just like all humans do not get along all animals dont either. For example I have three cats two of which cant stand each other, the difference being that it is easier for cats to stay away from each other.

Why dont you try to contact a local guinea pig rescue to see if the can help you?

I hope your situation sorts itself soon and you have may positive thoughts :...
Are they actually physically flying at one another or ever drawn blood? Maybe a temporary division would help and then you could encourage neutral re-introductions, rearrange the contents in the cage etc?
The thought of giving him away makes me so so sad :( My OT is pushing me to do it, saying its the right thing but I'm just in tears.

Every night I get Diego out for floor time and he runs around, popcorns, and looks really happy. He then sits on my lap and lets me stroke him quite contented. I have to wait until Scruff goes into a tunnel to get him out of his cage for floor time and he just seems to be terrified the whole time. If I have him on my lap he is so freaked out I have to put him backin his home quick in case he has a heart attack or jumps off me.

It must be something I've done, as well as Diego scaring him. What could i have done to freak him out so much?

Thank you Sarah, I really appreciate our advice and positive thoughts :) thank you x
You could also try swapping the side they are in over a few times each day so they get used to each others scent I have done this when introducing Gerbils to one another x
The thought of giving him away makes me so so sad :( My OT is pushing me to do it, saying its the right thing but I'm just in tears.

Every night I get Diego out for floor time and he runs around, popcorns, and looks really happy. He then sits on my lap and lets me stroke him quite contented. I have to wait until Scruff goes into a tunnel to get him out of his cage for floor time and he just seems to be terrified the whole time. If I have him on my lap he is so freaked out I have to put him backin his home quick in case he has a heart attack or jumps off me.

It must be something I've done, as well as Diego scaring him. What could i have done to freak him out so much?

Thank you Sarah, I really appreciate our advice and positive thoughts :) thank you x

I'm sorry but this is silly because it honestly isn't you - you've divided them, thats a good step, but giving him away is not the solution unless you've tried all your options hun. Give them a bath so that they smell the same, completely disinfect there cage, rearrange it - honestly, it may seem cruel watching one chase the other, steal food, nip etc but unless there is full on fisticuffs and blood, its completely normal dominance behaviour. They need to find there footing.
My girls are going through this stage as i've only had them 4 weeks, but they are slowly starting to come round. Its not an overnight miracle.
Hopefully someone with more experience will spot this but it is not you at all so dont fret!
I know i sound mad, obviously not all pigs are going to get along, but when scruff hates me so much too i just panic that ive done something wrong too.

I was going to bath them, but Scruff is so scared of me that I am terrified of how he'll react. I can cut Diego's nails etc fine so I know how to handle them but Scruff just goes crazy.

They have never drawn blood, they do the usual dominance stuff then after a while i hear really really loud chattering and hissing then they fly at each other. I've always stopped at that and separated them. Diego rumble struts and chatters through the mesh all the time.

The thing is I'm so scared to leave them alone when they are acting like that, if i leave them over night I'm scared serious damage might be done. Ive been advised to leave it until they are older to try introducing them again, just so confused.

Do you think swapping them around will really work!?
Do not give him away! There is no reason to. I agree he is very timid and nervous. It sounds like he would really benefit from a friend. Why dont you take him boar dating? This is were he can choose his own friend from a rescue. I think that would really give him confidence and help him. In the mean time pick him up each day so he gets used to you. Have him under a fleece on your lap as he will feel safer with his head hidden. Speak softly and be very patient. He will soon get used to you. :)
Do not give him away! There is no reason to. I agree he is very timid and nervous. It sounds like he would really benefit from a friend. Why dont you take him boar dating? This is were he can choose his own friend from a rescue. I think that would really give him confidence and help him. In the mean time pick him up each day so he gets used to you. Have him under a fleece on your lap as he will feel safer with his head hidden. Speak softly and be very patient. He will soon get used to you. :)

Thank you, I really dont want to give him away, not at all. My OH thinks I'm being cruel keeping him beside diego, which is upsetting me thats why i came to you guys :(

I bring him out every night in his tunnel and use his fleece blanket to wrap him loosely on my lap so that he can hide. He headbutts me, and pushes the fleece all around trying to get away. He just hates me :(

I never thought of boar dating for him, I have him in a 2x3 C&C isnt that too small for two boars?
You are not cruel! You just do not want him to be lonely. The home he is in is too small for two boars but cant you just extend it? I think he is very scared and sees you as a threat. Poor little thing. It will take him but he will learn you are there to care for him. Maybe you should move him away from Diago and see if that makes any difference too.
Ill maybe take the caga apart and move diego into another room?

Should I put them in each others cages harold the pig :) suggested?

I will keep trying to bond with scruff, i hope he does start to see me as a friend and not a threat :( just quiet secure bonding time.

thank you so much for all your help guys x
I think it is a really good idea to move Diago out of the room. It cannot do any harm anyway. It is up to you if you want to move them to each others sides of the cage. I have only heard of that with gerbils myself but I am no expert. I think poor little Scruff may need a special friend of his own. Maybe that will make him happy.
thanks piggy fan you've been great :) will redo the cages tomorrow and move little diego into our room, then have a look for a playmate for scruffers x
Great idea. Remember to let him choose his own friend or you could end up with the same situation.
I've been worrying about my two little boys fighting in the future and I asked some hypothetical questions about what to do.

Someone suggested that if you split boars up and get a sow each for them (as long as they're neutered) then as long as they can't see each other they should be fine.

Why don't you try putting a none transparent divide between the two - a cardboard box or something - so they can't see each other for a while. This might help him relax a little particularly if he feels a bit threatened by the other?

I've read as well somewhere that if your guinea seems to be particularly stressed and hiding alot, and refusing to be handled, you should take them to the vet because it's often a sign of illness.

He could have a lump or something that you can't detect that's causing him pain. I'd take him to be checked out.
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