I Don’t Understand


New Born Pup
Nov 15, 2023
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This is my first post and I’m unsure what to say. My first guinea pig died suddenly today and I feel horrible and don’t understand.

My piggy was young-presumably only around 3 years old (I got her from somebody who couldn’t care for her anymore-it was their child’s pet and they didn’t realize how much work piggies took, so I agreed to take her). She was great. I never thought I’d love guinea pigs this much until I got her.

Tonight I had to cut her nails. I usually hate doing it because she gets so scared being picked up and hates the entire process no matter how much I bribe her. When cutting them tonight she was squealing as usual and I tried to trooper through because she desperately needed them done and I didn’t want to be avoidant and let them start curling.

I was almost done cutting them. I was trying to comfort her while I stopped the bleeding of one nail I trimmed too short (first time it happened and wasn’t expecting the blood so I was a freaked out). All of a sudden I noticed she was frozen. I thought she was still scared and froze because her wiggling wasn’t freeing her, but when I went to put her down she was limp and not breathing.

I panicked. Tried blowing air into her. Tried whatever cpr I could do through my panic. Nothing worked. She died in my arms.

I don’t know what I did. She was fine when I got home. Did her happy squeaks for her snacks. Was running around. She was fine. And then she suddenly wasn’t. I knew I would lose her one day but not like this. I don’t think I was holding her too hard but now I’m so afraid I missed signs she was trying to give me that I just assumed were fear related to the nail trimming.

I’m devastated. She was such a smart and happy pig. It kills me that her last moments were her scared of the person who was supposed to care for and protect her. That I broke her trust in her last minutes. Is this normal to happen with guinea pigs? Can they get so scared during nail clips that they just suddenly die? I just don’t know what I did and it kills me to think I failed her as her owner. I loved her dearly and it brought me so much joy coming home to her happy sounds and excitement for snacks. She loved head pets, dried banana pieces, and lettuce.

I’m devastated and don’t know what to think. Now I’m terrified to cut my second guinea pigs nails. It already made me anxious before and now I feel horrible.

I’m just devastated and I haven’t heard of this happening to anyone else so I feel like this had to have been my fault.

Any advice or ideas would be appreciated. I just can’t get over this.
I’m so sorry about your loss and this happened to you. I lost my son during child labour so believe me when I say I understand your grief and guilt your feeling right now.

I do have a limited understanding of Guinea Pigs. I do have five of them. I think your piggie may of had an overly strong pray response that can give them a heart attack. I know you’re a loving person by reading how much you do for them. I think if any of us were trimming your piggies nails the same would have happened to us.

I believe that your are an awesome person and you’re piggies are lucky to have you. They’re blessed to have you look ofter them. I hope you continue to have piggies because they’re a lot of piggies that needs homes. They’re a shortage of caring people like you.

Take Care❤️

I'm so sorry, what a shock 😢
I agree with @WWDrew, pigs are prey animals and as such are easily frightened animals naturally. But they obviously do need their nails cutting for their own welfare, you haven't done anything wrong, it's just a terrible sad thing to happen.
She wouldn't have suffered, be kind to yourself. She wouldn't want you to feel guilty ❤️
I am so truly sorry to hear this.

I hope you can find peace in the fact that she was maybe dealing with an internal ailment, which guinea pigs are experts at hiding, and unfortunately that may have been too much for her with the fear she was feeling during her nail cutting (which just about every pig deals with).
I haven't personally heard of such happening during nail cutting but unfortunately guinea pigs have also been known to pass suddenly from strokes/heart attacks, so this may have been the case. You are not the first to have a healthy pig one second and then they're suddenly gone, unfortunately it happens every now and again no matter how fantastic of an owner you are. It is a horribly sad thing that has happened and your upset/anxiety for the future is so valid, but please do not blame yourself for anything, this is much easier said then done but I hope in time you will come to peace with her passing and know that she was in your arms when she passed.

When you are ready/if you want to, you can search in the forums search bar about sudden passings, as you will find that you certainly are not to blame and this unfortunately happens no matter how hard we try. I do understand this may be a bit triggering at the moment, but it may also help you find peace when you are ready.

For your other pig, you may find this guide nice to read through. Wrapping your pig in a towel/blanket may be a better option for you and your pig?
You can always get someone to help you cut the nails, or if you are really struggling with the thought of cutting nails after such a scary event, your vet should be able to do this for you. Guide to Cutting Guinea Pig Nails

Take time to allow yourself to grieve, especially under such a stressful circumstance. My thoughts are with you at this time x
Human Bereavement: Grieving, Processing and Support Links for Guinea Pig Owners and Their Children
I am so sorry for your loss :hug: Please don’t blame yourself for this, I really think your little girl had an underlying heart condition for this to happen. Take heart that she had a wonderful life with you, full of care and love

Sleep tight little one 🌈
Thank you all for your kind words and condolences. I wanted to provide an update:

It’s been a week. While the passing of my sweet girl is still fresh, and the grief in my heart is still present, I wanted to give positive updates:

1. After more thinking and speculation of every second of that night trying to find an answer, I think I’ve found peace with it. While the pain will never go away, I’ll always miss her and love her, I know she had a happy life with me and loved me back in her own piggy way. She wouldn’t want me wallowing-she’d want to run around and spend time with me just because it made us both happy. She’d want head pets and treats. She’d want to lay near me. She wouldn’t want me to lose that happy feeling with her. I’ll always feel the loss of her but there was so much love too. I’m accepting that I can feel them together without allowing myself be consumed by the worse of the two.

2. As for my remaining piggy, she wasn’t too effected by the loss, which helped. Knowing she wasn’t grieving in a way that effected her health alleviated the worry of her being alone and sad when I had to go into work. She has since taken to laying in my last piggies favorite spot under my bed, but I think she’s secretly happy she gets possession of my room’s “ideal piggy spot”. She’s eating, drinking, and getting her zoomies out daily.

3. In my grief, one of the only thoughts that brought me any relief was knowing I had one pig left who also deserved a great life. It could end at any time for any reason and she deserved better than loneliness. So I asked my mom if she could go to the shelter for me because I didn’t think I could go in without crying. This time I rescued not just one, but two new piggies. My internal devastation was worsened by the thought of my remaining pig being alone, but I couldn’t stand the thought of another pig bonding and one day being alone again either. So now I have three.

4. I bought a carrier meant for medium sized dogs to allow ample space for my pig and a hide. Should I not be able to emotionally handle trimming their nails after this incident, I made sure I had a way to comfortably transport them to a vet who could. I hope I can manage and not have to transport them often, as the goal would be to reduce stress and that would increase theirs, but I wanted to have a back up just in case.

Again, thank you all. The new girls are five months old and, since my pigs name is Pumpkin, I named them Pie and Spice (pumpkin pie and pumpkin spice!) one is very outgoing, nibbles, and has no observable fear or sense of danger-everything is something to eat (spice!). The other is very shy, but her sister helps her explore more and come out of her shell (Pie!).

The pigs are still separated for the time being to be careful of respiratory issues, but the little ones are starting to wheek louder and Pumpkin is very curious!

Best to you all ❤️
Thank you for this update, I am very glad to hear you have managed to find some peace with it.

Always remember it’s okay to grieve your sweet girl, but never forget all the lovely memories you made with her.
Wishing you the best with your new piggy journey and I hope you have many happy years together x
So sorry for your loss.
Holding you in my heart ❤️

Lovely to hear about Pie and Spice. Hope all works well when you bond them
Your beautiful piggy had a lovely life with you and knew she was loved. I am sorry she had to leave you in such a heartbreaking way but I am happy you have found some peace through it all. Thank you for rescuing Pie and Spice and they are lucky to have found you.
Sending hugs to you all.
Sleep well little piggy 🌈
Well that's a lovely update ❤️
She'll be so happy you've welcomed two more pigs in need into your family x