I use fleece in my bunnies pen and I think its great, lots less messy than the piggies!
Rabbit has a 6ft x 2ft pen with a litter tray one end and a cat tent for a bed the other end and she has a box with hay in the middle ... she poops mainly in her litter box and throws her food all around the pen but she is still easier to clean up after compared to the piggies!
I haven't used it but I used to have 5 rabbits and they were terrible chewers. They loved to chew towels, so I can't see that fleece would have worked with them.
Hi I have an outside living bunny. He usually lives out on the grass 365 days a year and goes in his house as and when he likes as we leave the ramp down for him. Our grass has been ruined this year by the children playing etc etc etc and we decided to over-winter him in a big hutch. I have the top level fleeced and have only changed it twice all winter as he only poops on it sometimes. Downstairs his bedroom is packed out thickly with soft hay and the rest is covered with inco. pads, then newspaper and dust extracted straw on top. He poops and pees generally in one corner at the back. I tried fleece on the bottom living area but I can't change and wash the fleece every few days which is what was needed. He has a ball and all sorts to occupy him but he loves to chew and toss cereal boxes etc! hth x
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