I Did It!

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Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 21, 2014
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So it was exactly a week today I brought home my boys and after serious heartache of losing one suddenly over night on day 4! The vet has gave the other boys the all clear! So we have started to enjoy them :-) I even managed to get Barry the most skittish ones nails trimmed as they were terribly over grown! Without a fuss :-D plus managed to hold the 3 of them for a sort time without to much panic! All in all its been a good day.
So it just leaves me to introduce Barry,Harry and Batman!IMG_20140425_134324.webpIMG_20140425_134324.webp Not the best pic I must say lol but there all out! :-D. Thanks for looking x
I'm really sorry you lost one, did the vet say what it was? Good lick with the other three.
Thank you both of you, no he.didn't make it the vet as he past away over night,then I rushes the other 3 up to get checked.just in.case.but I have to say I'm not impressed with the rescue we got them from though but that's a long story!
I'm so sorry you lost one, but glad the others have the all clear now. How old are they?
I'm so sorry you lost one, but glad the others have the all clear now. How old are they?
Well were not sure the women.at the rescue said between 6 and 8 months? So we don't really.know all I know is they were rescued from a breeder/hoarder and we're living in filth and had no contact with ppl :( so sad x
Poor babies.

It is possible it was a heart attack, especially if there were no prior symptoms.
One of.the.little black boys has so difficulties,the rescue said they think it's either neurological or he was born like that or trauma at some point but he nods and wobbles,the poor little soul,the vet says there not sure but nothing can be done,it doesn't seem to phase him at all tho he is the bravest of them all and throughly enjoys eating! Lol There are going to be spoilt from now on!
Can I ask it's been.a week,when do you think.they would be ok to go out in the run? I don't.want.to.stress.them and not sure how long.to.leave it.for? X
Oh bless him, wonder if he had an ear infection at one point.

I don't put mine out as have no garden so will let someone else answer that.
Hmm would an ear infection do that if not treated?
An untreated inner ear infection can destroy the balance centre, but there can be other reasons as well.

All the best for your remaining three boys! Like helen says, a heart attack can happen at any age out of the blue to seemingly perfectly healthy piggies. There are no warning signs and there is nothing you can do. :(
Thank you for that I have been rigorously going throw the care guides etc to see if I had missed something or done something wrong,I didn't realise that they could have heart attacks without warning!
I lost 2 of mine that way - Jess a few months back and Woody a couple of years ago. Jess had a heart condition and was on meds but Woody wasn't.
Oh I'm so sorry,it seems I have much more.to learn!
Thank you. Don't worry, we are all learning all the time.
I feel a lot better now I have joined.here tbh :-) I did try another forum but it wasn't very good and had hardly any info etc unlike on here:-D
One thing to say: this was absolutely not your fault. you are a wonderful caring owner and I'm so sorry for your loss xx
I have lost two young guinea pigs so far to sudden acute heart failure; despite rushing them to the vets as an emergency, there was nothing that could be done. Had it happened overnight, I would have found them dead in the morning, like you found yours. Some piggies are sadly living with a time bomb in their body; you never know that it is there in the first place and you can't tell how long they have until the bomb is going off... :(

Don't feel bad - you are a good and conscientious piggy mum! You will give your piggies a good and happy life. None of us can control the duration, but we all can manage the quality! :)
:hug:Thank you so much for your kind words x
Well were not sure the women.at the rescue said between 6 and 8 months? So we don't really.know all I know is they were rescued from a breeder/hoarder and we're living in filth and had no contact with ppl :( so sad x

Hello. I'm a fellow new Mum to 2 piggies. We rescued ours from similar conditions. How was the state of your pigs fur when you rescued them if they were living in filth? Ours had patches of fur missing and the skin exposed underneath was raw. Since we gave them a clean environment to live in, the fur has completely grown back. However we can't figure out if it was lack of hay/veggies in their diet, or lying in an unhygenic environment, or mites which have also since been treated.

As for your loss, I'm very sorry to hear that it happened, especially so soon. You sound braver than I for coping so well. x
Hello. I'm a fellow new Mum to 2 piggies. We rescued ours from similar conditions. How was the state of your pigs fur when you rescued them if they were living in filth? Ours had patches of fur missing and the skin exposed underneath was raw. Since we gave them a clean environment to live in, the fur has completely grown back. However we can't figure out if it was lack of hay/veggies in their diet, or lying in an unhygenic environment, or mites which have also since been treated.

As for your loss, I'm very sorry to hear that it happened, especially so soon. You sound braver than I for coping so well. x
Aww thank you,there skin was really.dirty and.they had.lice I haven't.seen.any bold.patches but.like.you I think diet and.sleeping in urine etc has a big part.to.play! We are.now on week 3 and there skin is looking so much.better and them in general :) how long have you had yours? It isn't easy! X
Aww thank you,there skin was really.dirty and.they had.lice I haven't.seen.any bold.patches but.like.you I think diet and.sleeping in urine etc has a big part.to.play! We are.now on week 3 and there skin is looking so much.better and them in general :) how long have you had yours? It isn't easy! X
Sorry forgot to add I would suspect that mites have.played.a.big.part in the bold patches and.raw.skin there nasty Lil buggers lol x

Sorry forgot to add I would suspect that mites have.played.a.big.part in the bold patches and.raw.skin there nasty Lil buggers lol x

This is what the vet thinks. But could you see the lice on yours? We couldn't see anything, nor did anything show up under UV lighting. I know I'm sounding awful cynical, but I don't think it was mites...

I've had mine for 6 weeks now. I'm glad yours are looking better. I loved watching them get bigger and healthier every day :) It really was a remarkable recovery. When yours get to this point I'm sure you won't even be able to tell that they were ever neglected. That's how it seems with ours. Good luck
This is what the vet thinks. But could you see the lice on yours? We couldn't see anything, nor did anything show up under UV lighting. I know I'm sounding awful cynical, but I don't think it was mites...

I've had mine for 6 weeks now. I'm glad yours are looking better. I loved watching them get bigger and healthier every day :) It really was a remarkable recovery. When yours get to this point I'm sure you won't even be able to tell that they were ever neglected. That's how it seems with ours. Good luck
Sorry for the late reply been having problems with our Internet, yes we saw the lice eww made my skin crawl lol I will have had the boys 5 wks on Saturday :) x
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