argh help! i cant catch my piggies, when i even touch them they go tense and I'm scared they are going to bite me ! what can i do, i need to get them out so we can cuddle them.....they make a wheeeeking noise too when i touch them, are they scared ? 

I have piggies who will just stand there and also ones who will give me the run around! The last one joined the household over a year ago, so sometimes it's just how they are! Dave is my worst one...3lb of pig but he can't half shift!I tend to corner him and then slide a hand under his chin which he will usually step onto when he realises he isn't going anywhere!
I used this upturned pigloo on Llewelyn, who still ambles for cover first if there is no food involved, and my two new girls with their razor sharp claws. I put a little treat inside, and thus avoid having to handle them during the dreaded pick up.
That pic is so cuteAww, little Dizzy in the background
you could attach a pair of tights to the pegs and make a baby bouncer