Adult Guinea Pig
Hi everyone! Today I have bad news, I am so ashamed of myself for dropping Honey! Honey is a very laid back pig who loves to lick me all the time. But instead of licking me she nipped me and drew blood. Okay must admit it was barely any blood, not even a drop. She nipped me over 3 times and at the third nip I had enough. I got mad at her and picked her up and then threw her on a cushion. OF coarse not with force but I sort of let go of her while she was hanging over the cushion. She landed on a soft bedding but I am still so ashamed! I'm not sure if she nipped me because I was trying to pick her up or because I might have touched her nail. If you don't know already Honey broke her nail at the quick and it puffed up. I am now treating it so not to worry. Honey also nipped Gizi ALOT of times aswell, so she might be in a bad mood because of her nail. I am so ashamed I could do that, but I don't know why she would nip me!
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