I am NOT a bully [Story version]

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When i was in year 8, i moved to another school, this one for one reason, nishma. All she'd do is moan at me, she'd fall out
and do anything possible to make me a loner. and when it worked out the other way, she'd cry.
But i moved back to my old school, because i couldn't handle the pressure of being the new kid. I recently fell out with her because she moaned at me on and on and i had enough, people aren't to fond of nishma, so they found out we broke friends and went and did the same. Alice stood by me through it, since she'd witness nishma have ago at me, then listen to her backstab me after and had enough.
Then nishma's only mate Jodie got involved. She backstabbed me, and called me a bitch and had ago at anyone who nishma felt was being mean to her. Nishma went to the headmistress telling her me and alice had bullied her. though we hadn't spoke to her, accept when she accused me and had ago at me for throwing paper at her. And alice passed a book to her and she threw it at her. On monday, everyone had turned against her, we all sat together, and she sat on her own in lesson's. so she walked out crying. though grace is her friend, she never sits next to us, so it was the first in a long time, because if she does, nishma has ago at her.
Nishma went to the teacher telling her we'd bullied her. We came in told the truth and left - we were in no trouble.
Because of this, nishma caused trouble for us instead, she told people we were bullying her.
In p.e today a group of girls called us a bully and took the mick out of us. So we went to the year head.
Nothing will be done. But it's nishma's fault. All my friends have went back to her too.
Only recently rumours went round i had sex, now i'm a bully.

I am NOT a bully a true story my life today
Anyone that likes piggies as much as you do cannot possibly be a bully.
All this is rubbish - don;t let this Nishma girl get to you. You know you've done nothing wrong, so try not to worry. If your mates are true mates they will stick by you. If not, they're not worth having.

You'll look back in this in a few years and it will all seem so silly, but at the time its awful - try to keep your chin up and know that it will get better.
I remember all of this so clearly because it wasn't long ago at all that I was in school. I have a response and it's the obvious response, but it's a true one- she's jealous. If they're all on your side she's obviously doing this to get them on her side, as she wants more friends. I used to have a girl like that, her name was Anisha. She was exactly like Nishma, but I just ignored her and if people chose her side for some reason then they were obviously not my friend in the first place. Just ignore her, she's obviously crying out for attention.

Also, it's an awful thing to say because it's an awful thing that happened, but what happened with the sex rumor? You are like the model of a child I want to have- you're pretty, mature, smart, and nice. How could anyone do anything like that, and how could anyone believe it? Kids are really pathetic these days ::)

Unfortunetly high school is one of those phases of life that hold some of the most fun memories and some of the most horrible... Teenage girls especially have an ability to make each others life hell, and when your the one caught in the middle of it its never fun infact its horrible!
Although at the moment things are horrible and your probably feeling down and out, try not to worry too much, it will pass! The rumours will stop and the other kids will move on. All you can do is stay away from those kids that always start problems, and try not get sucked into their games (which isn't always easy).
I agree with 'KimmiesGuineas' she's probably just jealous and that's why she's targetting you.
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