I Am Longing To Get Guinea Pigs ...

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Senior Guinea Pig
Jul 17, 2013
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The two boars that i had reserved at the wonderful wheek and squeak have been fighting. I am meant to be choosing another pair. Sounds easy but just cannot quite forget about James and Crack.

I am sure something will be sorted but I am getting such pangs of longing to have a couple of little squeak boxes. I even looked online in gumtre, etc. *sigh*

The good news is that I will be having them in my bedroom, having had a bit of a clear out recently to make room.

Juat needed to share how i was feeling with people who understand. Thanks for reading.
Aw, I'm sorry you can't get the pigs for now that you originally wanted. I dont know what to say other than I'm sure that another pair will love to have you as their human x
thats a shame - would you be able to have either James or Crack bonded with another boy by wheek & squeak? that way you could at least have one of the original boys if they've been fighting together &need to be parted. maybe try another boar either older or younger just to stop the boosted hormones kicking in at the same time?

good luck with your new babies whoever you end up with :)
Thanks for replying. I have suggested that if they do want to split the boys up I would gladly adopt one with a new partner ... waiting to hear back.

Being patient is not easy!
I'm sorry to hear they have fallen out. Hopefully like you said they can be repaired with new friends and you can still give a pair a home.
Oh, I can imagine your disappointment BUT I have to say it's such a relief that you are dealing with an experienced rescue who aren't going to "fob you off" with an imperfectly bonded pair. As we all know from the forum piggies who aren't truly bonded can cause much heartache for their slaves and injuries to their cage mates.
Hang on in there - I am sure that another pair of properly bonded piggies will come your way soon.
Wheek and Squeak rang me today to say that she reakons that the boys have settled down now and because I have a good sized set up in the shed I should give them a go. She also suggested putting a divider in if they didnt settle. So she will be ringing me once she has a window of opportunity (lot going on for her atm) and will bring them over.

Interestingly she said that she does not advocate putting baby boars in with an older boy due to possible bullying/harm to baby. I thought it was a well known thing to do (by experienced rescues).

I am so so so so so excited. I am fully confident about looking for signs of falling out (will be re-reading the threads on here) and they have never actually fought apparantly and have been together for two years.

I really love these two boys.
Hope you can get your piggies soon! Pleased Wheek and Squeak are back in touch! Cannot wait to hear more about them
Update; W and S are not doing any rehoming atm due to health problems (human). Also she found a lump on one of the boys so nothing doing until that is sorted.

*weeps with longing*

I am having to be very patient.
Bless, it must be really hard for you waiting!

You're a star though for waiting and taking in rescue pigs. They will truly appreciate their home once they arrive. It's understanding people like you who keep rescues going as many would just bail out and buy some from a shop or breeder.

In the meantime is there any possibility of you going to visit them? Could you offer to volunteer for a day and help out at the rescue (and give your new boys a squeeze)?
I found a lovely guinea pig in another rescue who i wanted . I contacted the rescue and gave details of accommodation. They said I may be able to reserve her once I had met her but were now closed til new year. Fair enough, everyone needs a holiday. I told them I was definately interested and would be in touch.

Looked on the website today and she is reserved. Feel very sad and a bit miffed. How come someone else could reserve her? Mabe it was someone they knew. Humph. Very disappointing.
Not being able to drive makes the simplest jouneys into epic travels. Wheek and Squeak are twenty mins away by car but over two hours by bus so sadly volunteering is not an option.
I also wanted to say I think it is wonderful that you are being so patient and waiting.
The piggies that end up with you will be very lucky indeed.

And in all honestly I would contact the other rescue again and ask why the piggie you specifically expressed an interest in was reserved.
I don't think it is unreasonable to ask, and whilst I am sure there is a very good reason, it might have been nice if they contacted you and let you know (assuming you left your details with them).
:( Sorry it is taking so long. You will make an amazing piggy mom very soon I am sure. The perfect piggies for you are just around the corner I am sure
The two boars that i had reserved at the wonderful wheek and squeak have been fighting. I am meant to be choosing another pair. Sounds easy but just cannot quite forget about James and Crack.

I am sure something will be sorted but I am getting such pangs of longing to have a couple of little squeak boxes. I even looked online in gumtre, etc. *sigh*

The good news is that I will be having them in my bedroom, having had a bit of a clear out recently to make room.

Juat needed to share how i was feeling with people who understand. Thanks for reading.
Hi, can you PM me, I may have an answer for you
Well it turns out that the guinea pig is reserved for me. I have been through an emotional roller coaster ... i sent them a disappointed email last night and today they emailed saying 'she is reserved for you'!

Tiamolly cant work out how to pm you ...
Well it turns out that the guinea pig is reserved for me. I have been through an emotional roller coaster ... i sent them a disappointed email last night and today they emailed saying 'she is reserved for you'!

Tiamolly cant work out how to pm you ...

That's great news!
Well it turns out that the guinea pig is reserved for me. I have been through an emotional roller coaster ... i sent them a disappointed email last night and today they emailed saying 'she is reserved for you'!

Tiamolly cant work out how to pm you ...
As soon as you said reserved I thought, I do hope it's for you!
Thank you all so much for replying to me. It has been great to have you guys to chat to about this. It has been so heart rending. I am being patient and I am fully supportive of having animals from a rescue (a good rescue ofcourse) as you get life time back up and healthy vet checked animals. Well worth waiting for.
As soon as you said reserved I thought, I do hope it's for you!

It never occured to me! I felt a bit of a twit after my miffed email. Hope rescue arent upset with me. I did apologise once I realised!
Aww I'm so happy for you! Piggies (and hammies, I can't forget your 5 :))) are the best!

They are arent they? The five hammies are all in great shape. Roll on February and the new guinea pig and her friend, once she gets one.
I really want to rescue more pigs, lol! I got Toffee and Oreo from Pets At Home (I was only 8 so you can't really blame me) and although I love them, I know it wasn't the best place to get them. Toffee had warts on his ear when we brought him home. I think it was ringworm but it's been 5 years so not too sure. I just try to remember that if I hadn't got my guins there, god knows who they would have ended up with and how they would be treated. Also, I would be a completely different person.

Glad all the hams are ok :). So sorry to hear about Woodstock as well :(.

I hope bonding with the new pig goes well next year. I am desperate to re-bond Oreo but my mum is firmly saying no.
Thanks for remembering Woodstock. I dont currently have any guinea pigs so this new sow and her friend will be my only two. Sorry your mum is saying no to a second guinea pig it must be upsetting for you.
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