Hypothetical question about sow/boar hierarchy


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 19, 2021
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I have a neutered boar (Cookie) and a sow (Tico). I'm never quite sure on their relationship but I would say that Tico is the boss. She kicks Cookie out of boxes, although often he chases her off food. However Tico has a Thing about pigs being near her bum. She used to live with another sow (Jyn). If Jyn went near her bum Tico would fire wee at her. Jyn didn't do the same back and clearly didn't have the same neuroses. Now Tico lives with her horny husboar Cookie. He's forever rumbling at her and sometimes tries to mount her. The only time I've ever seen him come close to succeeding at mounting her was when I first bonded them. Since then he's barely been able to get his chin over her bum before she tells him off/runs away. They've been living together for over 6 months.

Obviously I'd never put an unneutered boar with an unspayed sow but hypothetically, could a sow not get pregnant off a boar, even after many seasons together, simply because she's the boss and won't let him? Or would she relent in the end and I just haven't seen it happen?
I have a neutered boar (Cookie) and a sow (Tico). I'm never quite sure on their relationship but I would say that Tico is the boss. She kicks Cookie out of boxes, although often he chases her off food. However Tico has a Thing about pigs being near her bum. She used to live with another sow (Jyn). If Jyn went near her bum Tico would fire wee at her. Jyn didn't do the same back and clearly didn't have the same neuroses. Now Tico lives with her horny husboar Cookie. He's forever rumbling at her and sometimes tries to mount her. The only time I've ever seen him come close to succeeding at mounting her was when I first bonded them. Since then he's barely been able to get his chin over her bum before she tells him off/runs away. They've been living together for over 6 months.

Obviously I'd never put an unneutered boar with an unspayed sow but hypothetically, could a sow not get pregnant off a boar, even after many seasons together, simply because she's the boss and won't let him? Or would she relent in the end and I just haven't seen it happen?

Dominant sows and even submissive sows when not in season will fend off boar attempts at mating but they will inevitably sexually mate right at the end of their season when they are actually fertile and ready for it. You girls doesn't have strong seasons, they may go rather unnoticed.