My oscor who is 9months old I'm sure has has some hpyeroactive deocdior
Well becouse when i bring him in for cuddles he cant still for more then 5min his head is all over the place he runs up my neck my mums neck. I cant take my eyes off him when he is inside i have to be ready to catch him for when he makes a mad dash up my neck
When we clean the cages out we put them in plactice boxes (what you would put childrens toys in) oscor has 3 borthers who he lives with, so when i clean them out i put 2 in one box and 2 in another box. Well oscor he stands up and leans over to look at the other piggies in there boxes( i have 12 piggies ) he jumps in to the other boxes and sometimes he jumps on to the table from the boxes ready to jump on the flloor. he has eveb jumped in the box where his daddy was in once which wasnt a good idea as his daady not like other male piggies.
He also puts him self back in his cage after i clean it out as i as soons as i put the box down he jumps staright in it. He tries to jump on top of every little hidy hole i get them.
He has has archie his borther copying him andn ow sammy has too
he is 9months old and i have had him for day
Well becouse when i bring him in for cuddles he cant still for more then 5min his head is all over the place he runs up my neck my mums neck. I cant take my eyes off him when he is inside i have to be ready to catch him for when he makes a mad dash up my neck
When we clean the cages out we put them in plactice boxes (what you would put childrens toys in) oscor has 3 borthers who he lives with, so when i clean them out i put 2 in one box and 2 in another box. Well oscor he stands up and leans over to look at the other piggies in there boxes( i have 12 piggies ) he jumps in to the other boxes and sometimes he jumps on to the table from the boxes ready to jump on the flloor. he has eveb jumped in the box where his daddy was in once which wasnt a good idea as his daady not like other male piggies.
He also puts him self back in his cage after i clean it out as i as soons as i put the box down he jumps staright in it. He tries to jump on top of every little hidy hole i get them.
He has has archie his borther copying him andn ow sammy has too
he is 9months old and i have had him for day