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Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 21, 2007
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I know i have alreadu asked this question but i am asking for pictures as well.

Can the guinea pigs (that HOPEFULLY my Dad will let me have, fingers crossed please) live inside in the winter and then in the summer gradually move outside, they would be in the shade and on here i have found good ways of cooling them, their run might have a little bit of sun but should be fine and in the winter they would be let out in the living room as it is chinchilla proof and chinchillas chew everything and can fit into 1 1/2- 2 inch gaps.

Can you please post pictures of your runs, indoor hutches and outdoor hutches, so i can get an idea

Also what is the best wood to make a hutch out of?

Also do you think its alright for the guinea pigs to be out in the garden for most of the day (with my mum watching them) and with their food out?

Thanks and sorry for these questions as well
Yep, mine live inside in the winter and outside in the summer. Sorry cannot post pigtures as my laptop has broke and i am on my brothers comp.
Mine live inside all year round ;D
I just have to clean them daily to convinse mum to let them stay inside ;D
At the moment i am cleaning up my room, chucking a lot of things out to make room for a hutch, as a hint!
If your parents are anything like me it would take a lot more than a tidy room to allow pets. If you really want pets consider the fact that any vets bills that can arise fall on your parents can they afford it? It can run into hundreds of pounds more to the point some parents not saying yours would be the case dont think a small animal is worth paying out for medical wise and would just replace it rather than get a sick one treated. Which is against the law to leave an animal without medical attention. If you really want piggies do not pester your parents to death for them. Help around the house or get a small job to pay for all the things a piggie will need before you get them. Make yourself a list done a small one for you.

food bowl
water bottle

Thats the basics you need before you get a piggie now go and get prices for all of this. Then start saving that will show your parents you want a piggie and know whats needed you never know you might get a surprise ;)
I'm getting a papaer round and have started a vet bill savings

I have already looked at how much i would get and how much i would spend on a piggie after doing my research on here! :)

I have a spare water bottle (large one from chinchillas, will be cleaned properly if given to a guinea pig and i also have a food bowl) i would have an indoor hutch and use either fleece or vet bed

My and my parents would build a hutch and run as my Dad is a carpenter and i buy would buy a bale of meadow hay and timothy hay (for chinchillas as well alhtough £10 worth of timothy hay for chinchillas lasts about 2-3months, i'm guessing with a guinea pig not that long.)

I am also doing jobs around the house, seeing as it easter and if i could get a pair then the run would be 6ft by 8ft!

Thanks alot

rachx said:
I'm getting a papaer round and have started a vet bill savings

I have already looked at how much i would get and how much i would spend on a piggie after doing my research on here! :)

I have a spare water bottle (large one from chinchillas, will be cleaned properly if given to a guinea pig and i also have a food bowl) i would have an indoor hutch and use either fleece or vet bed

My and my parents would build a hutch and run as my Dad is a carpenter and i buy would buy a bale of meadow hay and timothy hay (for chinchillas as well alhtough £10 worth of timothy hay for chinchillas lasts about 2-3months, i'm guessing with a guinea pig not that long.)

I am also doing jobs around the house, seeing as it easter and if i could get a pair then the run would be 6ft by 8ft!

Thanks alot


You be alright fingers crossed they dont get ill straight away and you'll be fine.

I've Got a massive bowl were my pocket money goes and if my guinea pigs need food shavings or anything i just take out of it.

All i needed was a Big bag of nuggets and thats set me off!

Enjoy saving i saved up 71 pound for mine :|
right i had £72 i today have £74... not that much progress but will have £75 later,
what jobs around the house can i do?

Ideas people ;D

I have cleaned the kitchen floor, cleaned the whole living room, done the dishes and cleaned the bathroom(who knew our shower was so dirty ewww)

Thanks seeing as I'm not starting the paper round for a while
My aim is £150 but i would be happy with at leat £100

What food is best for guinea pigs?

Thanks 0:)

clean the car and maybe ask your neighbours? I'd love someone to come and hoover my car out and polish the windows! just an idea. best type of food in my opinion is the 'nugget' type rather than the muesli type, mine have excel but there are other makes and they are all very similar.
Excel i can get easily because its on the same website i buy th chinchilla food, now the cleaning the car iw uold have to do that in the morning, before the chavs are awake! >:( i hate chavs! >:(

I have now made a total of £4.50 so £76.50!

I'm getting there and a cleaning timetable is now being made, I'm so organised, its a shame i dont stick with it, i almost gave up today, until i thought about guinea pigs, i typed up 28 pages about them today, printed them off and left them where my dad sits, hes taken a peek at it!
rachx said:
right i had £72 i today have £74... not that much progress but will have £75 later,
what jobs around the house can i do?

Ideas people ;D

I have cleaned the kitchen floor, cleaned the whole living room, done the dishes and cleaned the bathroom(who knew our shower was so dirty ewww)

Thanks seeing as I'm not starting the paper round for a while
My aim is £150 but i would be happy with at leat £100
Oh come to mine I would Love a Daughter that helped around the house like you are doing does your parents want to swap for an idle one ;D Pay would be good

What food is best for guinea pigs?

Thanks 0:)

When you say outside, do you mean outside loose or in runs? Sorry I may not have read your post properly.
its good your earning, i use one things. EBAY. old stuff + sale = cash.
Its a good way to get money without the hard work, and you clear out alot of stuff you dont need.
best of both worlds.
well i now have.... £95 about! my aim is £100-£150!

Even if my Dad doesnt let me now i will save up even more money and then ask again (i mean £300-£500 before i ask him again after i ask him once i have £150)

My money is going down now cos i have to buy chinchilla food so i now have £90
the lavender lodge from p@h is ideal for 4 fully grown piggies, it has a lift up roof easier cleaning, and it is sooo easy to clean, its £100, but all i can say is its the best hutch i have ever bought. O0 (even better than thistle hall)
I'm going for c&c cages now, until i eventually get a good shed!

I have £91

By the end of the day i will have £92, maybe more
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