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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 28, 2012
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Hi everyone,

If I have one of those covers for hutches that protect them from the elements, could my guineas stay outside all year round?
Hi :)

My girls live outdoors all year round although they are moving in to a shed in a couple of weeks for the first time.

They will need a lot more than just a cover over the hutch. They will also need hutch insulation (I used silver loft insulation stapled all over the outside of the hutch). They then had a wind and rain cover over the top. They also had a thick fleece blanket covering the the hutch front at night, lots of hay, snuggle cosy beds, fleeces to wrap up in and hides. I also gave them snugglesafe heat pads The hutch also needs to be positioned up against a wall and well away from drafts and wind.

In my opinion, piggies can stay outside but they MUST be well protected and things MUST be done properly. Bringing them indoors over winter is always best but unfortunately, I am not in the position to do so unless it is an emergency. I did bring them in the year before last as the temperature was dropping to -15 and more. Like I say though, my girls will be free ranging in a shed soon.

Do you have an unused garage, outbuilding or shed you could put the hutch in if needs be?
Hi :)

My girls live outdoors all year round although they are moving in to a shed in a couple of weeks for the first time.

They will need a lot more than just a cover over the hutch. They will also need hutch insulation (I used silver loft insulation stapled all over the outside of the hutch). They then had a wind and rain cover over the top. They also had a thick fleece blanket covering the the hutch front at night, lots of hay, snuggle cosy beds, fleeces to wrap up in and hides. I also gave them snugglesafe heat pads The hutch also needs to be positioned up against a wall and well away from drafts and wind.

In my opinion, piggies can stay outside but they MUST be well protected and things MUST be done properly. Bringing them indoors over winter is always best but unfortunately, I am not in the position to do so unless it is an emergency. I did bring them in the year before last as the temperature was dropping to -15 and more. Like I say though, my girls will be free ranging in a shed soon.

Do you have an unused garage, outbuilding or shed you could put the hutch in if needs be?

Thanks for this advice. I am really just wondering about it. I've plenty of space inside so it's not a huge problem for me :)
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