Nicky Green
New Born Pup
I've recently rehomed two male guineas, after a few days of having them (and cutting back the terrible fur matts that the rosette had), I found that one was bullying the other and the rosette was covered in quite nasty bites. I've separated them and they're now living in indoor cages, side by side so they can see and chat to each other but can't do any damage, the rosette is healing nicely. My thoughts are now turning to spring and summer and finding suitable housing for them. My pigs in the past have lived in a double level hutch with a big run attached. I'd like to continue to keep the boys living side by side, with a decent sized hutch and run each and wondered if anyone had any recommendations, other than just getting two regular hutches from the pet shop. I looked at the double hutches but they all seem to be stacked so no contact between the pigs. I've also looked at the Eglu option but I'm worried that the living space doesn't seem very big. We need something that's big enough for them, keeps them side by side and is relatively easy to move so they can have access to fresh grass in the summer. Any suggestions would be very welcome!