Hutch or Cage?

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What does your piggy live in?

  • Hutch

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Cage

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Just wanted 2 see piggy's live in.
If you have voted on the poll, please (if you want too) reply back on here saying why you think a hutch is better/worse and why you think a cage is better/worse
and where you get them from ;D (c&c grid cages, also count as cages)
Our boys live in indoor cages (one cage per pair!) but they go out in the garden in a run in the summer if the weather is OK.

We like having them as indoor pets as they seem more part of the family that way and it's easy to keep an eye on them and spot any change in their behaviour.
(Downside is that sometimes I can be watching them toooooo closely and start worrying when one of them appears to be sleeping too soundly or just having a rest and I think: is he OK?!) Also everytime anybody goes out in the kitchen we get deafened by insistent wheeking ;D
I have mine indoors in a C&C cage. Hutches are generally awkward to clean, made of wood (which isn't always great hygiene-wise) and inflexible if you want to increase space to add in more pigs. They still get to play in a run outside in the summer but only under supervision.
I think it depends on where you are keeping it. Cages are great for inside but are obviously not suitable for outside unless going into a well insulated shed or out building.
Hutch & cage - in the house they are in a cage & in the shed they are in a kind of breeders block - just because I was given it & it provides a couple of 6ft (2m) enclosures.

I couldn't vote twice so put hutch because I have more in a hutch set up.

I wouldn't be worried about having a cage in the shed as long as there was enough shelter & heat in the winter. A heatpad for example or portable radiator.

In the summer mine live in outside hutches with constant access to a run at the worst onto the patio - & about every other day in a massive run over half the lawn.
sammyroo said:
Our boys live in indoor cages (one cage per pair!) but they go out in the garden in a run in the summer if the weather is OK.

We like having them as indoor pets as they seem more part of the family that way and it's easy to keep an eye on them and spot any change in their behaviour.
(Downside is that sometimes I can be watching them toooooo closely and start worrying when one of them appears to be sleeping too soundly or just having a rest and I think: is he OK?!) Also everytime anybody goes out in the kitchen we get deafened by insistent wheeking ;D

Same as this in every respect and we love the wheeking ;) Also we feel that we see them at their most entertaining best in our space, and can see their individual personalities as well :)
Wilson and Cindy live in C+C cages inside... the rabbits also live in a big cage out near the back door. Also during the day while I'm at school the pigs get to go outside into a cage a bit smaller than the rabbits one... :)
I have Albie & Maddie in a 10ft hutch, Hamish, Huxley & Wilbur live separate in 5ft hutches (Huxley & Hamish separated by mesh) outside in a shed & Lottie lives inside in a 4ft 2 storey hutch
Mine are indoors in cages - all 13 of my own and my fosters too. I love having them inside so cages are the best option for me.
Our girls live outside from March - Sep (depending on how the crazy british weather is acting) and then in the garage for the winter... They seem fine and are brought in daily for cuddles and treats..

In the spring and summer they are normally out in the run by 7:30 and depending on how warm it stays, they can be out until 9 in the peek of summer. We give them places to hide and always cover one end of the run just in case....

They have a hutch huggie surrounding the hutch as well as another 2 or 3 layers (cos I'm paranoid). They seem very content with this and love coming out to play... roll on spring n summer!
i think cages are better as they are much easier to clean and are more hygenic.
Mine are kept in a hutch in the shed and in a cage if indoors. We also give them an indoor play time in a flexible pen every day. In the Summer we could put the hutch outdoors but wonder whether to keep them in an outdoor run during the day and in the shed at night for safety. we'll have to wait and see - we don't get a lot of shade in the garden so there is limited space for the run. The cage is easier to clean but the hutch provides more insulation in the shed.
Hi my two guinea pigs Autumn and Winter live indoors in a cage a Ferraplast rabbit deluxe 100 as I live in a first floor flat and don't have a garden. They go to my friends house who had guinea pigs and they get to eat fresh grass and run outdoors when I'm on holiday. they always seem to come home thinner.
I had them in a hutch in the Utility room but they only wanted to live in the top part. So now they're in a run with attached wooden houses on the floor. During the summer they're in their wooden hutch type houses in their 9x5' run in the garden, it's a Bransby bunny cat run so fantastic for them. I had to move them inside for the winter 'cause it's too cold for them out there! :smitten:
I picked Cage because that is what ours are in at the moment in the conservatory, but when spring comes along we're going to get a hutch and run to put in the garden, and then bring them back inside in September. :)
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