Hutch Cleaning products - natural or supermarket

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Sep 12, 2010
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I'm v excited! I'm off to a rescue on Fri so am close to getting some piggies.

Today I sorted out the hutch on the outside for the Autumn weather (foil backed bubble wrap, tarpaulin etc) although the outhouse at end of garden will be the winter shelter. it's a 2nd hand hutch I need to give it the once over (although it's in pretty good nick I'm happy to say). I have not bought any specific animal-friendly cleaning products. If in doubt I will use washing up liquid/hot water. But is there anything else I can use (in the house I have things like white vinegar, or dettol spray)? I'd not use anything unless I was 100% it was ok for the piggies!

When i got my second hand piggie hutch, it was previously used for housing a bunny and it had terrible pee stains on the base of the hutch (and smelt!) I found white vinegar worked a treat for getting any stains and smells, I washed the whole hutch in white vinegar and then used warm soapy water to clean it out, i left it over night and then used animal friendly hutch disinfectant to give it a once down. I wouldnt reccomend using household cleaners for animal cages :) good luck!
Thanks! Hmmm I only have cider vinegar I guess that's not going to be quite right?! LOL! The hutch is barely used but I think I'll have to get some GP cage spray really I don't suppose soap/water is enough alone in case the previous occupant did happen to have some sort of lurgy...
I would give a it a very good scrub and a good coat of varnish inside and out before putting new occupants in.
Virkon S is often used by vet practices, boarding places and rescues. It has anti parasitic and anti fungal properties. You can buy a couple of tablets of it and make it up into a fluid with water. They sell it at my local feed suppliers and the vets. :)
Oooh just thought there is a vets right round the corner from me, didn't think of that! Thanks!
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