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Hurt foot


New Born Pup
Sep 2, 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone!
This is my first post here, very nice to meet you all.
I have two guinea pigs, father and son (Chibs and Thunder) 1 year old and 4 months old. Two days ago, the younger one hurt his foot while jumping from one of the wooden houses in their cage. As a result, he kept his foot up for a few minutes. I immediately started checking him and giving him treats to calm him down from being scared. A few minutes after, he started jumping, walking and running. He continued eating and drinking water like usual.
The following morning I picked him up as I could see his foot was swollen. I wanted to check for any scarring or anything like it- there was none. His skin is intact, however, his foot was pretty swollen (will attach a picture below). Today, his foot was visibly less swollen. He never stopped being active in any way, he stands on his back feet (the hurt foot is the left one in the back), he jumps and has the same appetite for hay, veggies and drinks water normally, he streches his feet when he sleeps and sleeps on the side on that foot. He never bit his foot and he never walked funny on that side.
I am making this post curious about any of your experiences similar to this. I couldn't buy an anti inflammatory substance to administrate orally as I needed a prescription from the vet. I want to buy an anti inflammatory gel to apply on his foot.
From everything I have told you above, him being active just as usual and not showing signs of distress (I know they can hide pain quite well), should I take him to the vet or could I treat the swelling with an anti inflammatory gel ?
Thank you so much for reading so far and for all of your answers.
Welcome to the forum, it’s nice to meet you!

We wouldn’t recommend any at home treatment as you/we can’t tell what’s really going on.
It would be best to get it checked by a vet if possible to rule out any breaks or issue, but i’m not sure if these would be more prominent.

Perhaps you could try uploading the picture again, as it may help someone on the forum give a better opinion on it.
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Please do have him seen by a vet. He needs to be checked by a professional and have the correct medication prescribed.
Please don’t ever try to treat anything yourself. It would not be legal or safe to try a gel yourself - he needs proper vet care. Any product you attempt to home treat him with could be ingested and could harm him considerably.

Please do see the vet
Hello and welcome to the forum. I’m sorry your piggy has hurt his foot. I hope he’s feeling better soon. Good luck at the vets.

Welcome to the forum, it’s nice to meet you!

We wouldn’t recommend any at home treatment as you/we can’t tell what’s really going on.
It would be best to get it checked by a vet if possible to rule out any breaks or issue, but i’m not sure if these would be more prominent.

Perhaps you could try uploading the picture again, as it may help someone on the forum give a better opinion on it.
I finally managed to find the attach files button :)) here he is


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