Huper Guinea Pig

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Feb 17, 2011
Reaction score
My youngest and latest addition used to be very quiet, calm and relaxed (to the point where we were slightly worried she was too quiet, but she seemed happy enough, stretching out) but now she is incredibly jumpy.

When I pick her up, she makes so much noise. Sometimes its a squeal, other times she just seems to be unhappy with being picked up and squeaks at me. I've checked her tummy and everything, no obvious sign of anything wrong. She eventually settles down.

When we're holding her, she behaves very strangely. She sort of fidgets about like she's trying to get comfy, rolling into awkward positions (like her side, legs out) and jumps about. Her head twitches about and she just looks really odd. One of the times, I thought she was fitting or something, but Dad had a look and said it didn't look like it.

Anyone know why she's like this? She's happy enough in the run - gets a bit overexcited when she thinks I've got food, but other than that, she's fine.
The head shakes.. that sounds like maybe it could be mites?
I just say that based on the reasons when in the past my piggies have acted like that.
Obviously, you'll take her to the vet ASAP, okay?! Of course you will!
The squeeks sound like maybe more than just generic guinea pig squeeks, so a vet would be a great idea just to rule out anything serious!
Have you checked her ears? Does she seem to be scritching alot?
Dont be put off holding her, the more she gets it, the more she'll get used to it..
She doesn't appear to have mites and her ears are all clean and normal-looking. She doesn't scratch a lot either - no more than your average guinea pig would. All of her skin looks perfectly healthy - she's fine in every other way, just being held. She's happy enough in the run or in her little house.
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