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Little M

Teenage Guinea Pig
May 5, 2007
Reaction score
West Midlands
I have 6 girl piggies all living together their home is a garden tidy (wooden shed) 6'x2.5'x 5' with a 8' square run connected so they have all the space they want if they want to be on their own etc. They all get on really well only recently a few have started humping each other there is no agression what so ever. I was just wondering if this is just a dominance thing and if anyone has seen it before. Sometimes there is a bit of rumbling too, I honestly thought jemima was a boar from the noise she was making! They are definatley ALL girls, also they follow each other around nose to bum like a train. I'll try and get a pic of them doing it tomorrow its so funny if anyone can shed any light on the matter it would be much appreciated
I have two sows and every so often one will do the same to the other. Don't worry (although I did at first!), it's normal and normally stops after a day or two.
Its perfectly normal, if you are worried just make sure they all are definatly girlies (as sometimes older boars hide 'it' under some skin so you need to feel for a shaft or testies!)

But girls do that from time to time, they should be fine! O0
Sows often do this when they are on heat.If a particular sow is constantly pestering a companion,it is possiible she has a ovarian cyst which is causing hormone unbalance.

Who is the dominant one, the one doing the humping I guess? That would answer a query I have . . .
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