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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 28, 2011
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Some of you may remember me taking wiggy boar dating 3 weeks ago at my local RSPCA.
Well ted is now 9 weeks old, he's been with wiggy 3 weeks. All is great, wiggy has almost stopped rumble strutting and that purring noise. They do a lot of pop Corning in and out of the cage.
But I've noticed when ted and wiggy are on my lap snuggling teddy keeps trying to hump wiggy. Wiggy doesn't get narky he just sort of shrugs him off and he comes to me for fuss.
I've not noticed it in the cage.

Is this normal pig behaviour?
I know my ratties do this quite a bit for dominance and play.
Is it the same?

Thank you.
Pecan is always humping Maple and Lucky. I think she's the top pig. Humping is normal behaviour it's just a surprise when they first do it and you've never seen it happen before.
Barney is always doing this to Toby - it is normal dominance behaviour. I just cant work out if Toby is dominant and Barney is trying to take over or is Barney is dominant and just making sure Toby knows it. Toby is never bothered by it- he just runs off popcorning as though he is laughing in Barney's face!
Thing is ted the one that was humping is only 9 weeks old whereas wiggy is 7-8 months old.
Sometmes, boar humping can be rather in the way of "hey I'm here, too"...
My two girls do it take it in turns every two weeks for a day, I never knew girls did it.mallethead

I think girls tend to do it when they're in season. Mine used to do it but now they've got a hus-boar thay've stopped doing it.
Is it normal now for ted 9 week old boar to be rumble strutting and low purring at wiggy 7-8 month old?
Yes, it is very normal for boars; it can be a firm part of their relationship, like a companionable rather than aggressive hump.
Oh that's good to know, I wasn't sure if ted wanted to dominate wiggy as wiggy is the alpha man pig. I've noticed ted likes to jump on top of wiggys head while out free ranging in the dining room. Teds so funny he does funny little head bobs and jigs and popcorns all over the place. Oh and I've never known guineas to run as fast as they do! These two race around the dining room! And when wiggy runs its like a herd of elephants. Lol
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