Humping Sows

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Junior Guinea Pig
Oct 16, 2011
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I assume my sow Suzy is in season as she's going crazy chasing and trying to hump Emily. It's been going on for hours and theres lots of rumbling and screeching. First of all Emily was just spraying Suzy to get her to back off. We're about 4hours in now and Emily just seems to be taking it. I've had them both out for lap time but neither would settle and just wriggled and squealed to go back. However, theres no way Emily can be enjoying the attention given how she was earlier. Id say at times they were getting relatively snappy with one another. Do I simply leave them to it, or separate them overnight? I'm worried they'll do themselves damage if they continue like this all night.
This is just normal with sows when they are in season. I am sure no harm will be done. If the humping is happening every single day then that is different and the one doing it could have ovarian cysts.
If they arnt actually snapping at eachother, then i wouldnt worry. When emily comes into season suzy may very well have to put up with it too! :)
just leave them to it, i dont no if it would work but for randy boars the say to put a teddy in to take the attention it might work with girls to?
It's a cycle-related thing... I have two sows and you can definitely tell when one is in heat! My experience is that they will irritate each other for a couple of days and then it will go back to normal. I've never had to separate them, though my dominant sow has taken the odd nip at a subordinate sow who pestered her too much (no blood drawn- just a really obvious sign to back off!)
Thanks guys. I guess it must sound worse than it is. Their cage really whiffs as well!
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