Humping Females

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Aug 13, 2009
Reaction score
Stevenage, Hertfordshire

is it normal for females to try and mount each other?

One of mine tried it today for the first time and I'm a bit alarmed!

Many Thanks
Claire x
Yes, usually only when one of them is in season. ALthough it can be a dominance behavior as well.
My girl has just come in season today and is typically mounting her sister already rolleyes. I was a bit shocked when they first came into season and was praying that one of them wasn't accidentally a boy haha.
Thanks everyone - I'm reassured now as i was concerned that I had a male in the group and began to panic. My poor piggy has had numerous "checks on her bits" all evening to check, double check and check again she is definately female (lol) and she is !

It comes as a bit of a shock for a newbie - we have all been there!

I have now a couple of sows who even try hump Llewelyn when in season. rolleyes His views on that subject are sadly not printable, but it his expression says it all!
Yes, very normal... it can be a dominance behaviour, or a sign that one is in heat. One of my pigs used to hump her cagemate when she was in heat... unfortunately for her, her cagemate had no interest in any 'girl on girl action' and used to fend her off a hundred times a day!
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