How we doing with the bonding?

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Jul 6, 2007
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Hi All,

I just wondered what you thought about the bonding so far between Cuzzy and Eccles. I've never done this before so its all new to me! Anyway tonight they were sniffing one anothers faces and Cuzzy has been going everywhere putting his scent all over the floor! He hasn't stopped rumbling at Eccles although Eccles hasn't done any rumbling tonight. Cuzzy has been raising his head while Eccles lowers his.

They have shared food bowls and even a lettuce leaf. Cuzzy has been doing a lot of mounting and on occassions Eccles has got fed up with him and there have been some minor nips. They have been wheeking at one another, not loudly just general wheeking like they are talking to one another, does that make me sound 98) lol

There has been NO teeth chattering from either pig, no raised fur, no stamping of the feet or flying at one another.

So what do I do now? Eccles is in his own cage put in Cuzzy's cage. Cuzzy has rumbled twice but they are sitting next to one another and kissed one another through the bars :smitten: What I was going to do tomorrow is possibly try for a whole day bonding, would I be right in thinking once the rumbling stops we have hit the jackpot? I know it probably won't stop totally as Mr Twinkle still does it now and again at Sunshine but Cuzzy is doing it a lot at the moment and if he decreases with it then its a step in the right direction.

So what I will do is reduce the size of the C&C to 3.5 x 2 which is roughly the size of their cage which is fine for them while Eccles is little and give them 2 of everything and see how they get on. On Tuesday I plan on putting them together in the cage and hopefully they can live together from this point.

Would this be ok? Obviously if the rumbling is still going on I will hold back for a bit longer. I must say though having Eccles around has helped Cuzzy a lot he is eating lots of museli and managing lettuce and more of their other foods like celery and green pepper, he isn't back to full eating yet but he has moved in the right direction. I still think he is getting over the URI and ear infection. He is still itching his ear and sleeping more than I would like him to but he is 75% back to his old crazy self.

Thanks for reading my mad ramblings!

Sounds good so far O0

If you are going to be home today I would keep them together - start off in the bonding pen and then while they are in it you can clean the cage and move things around a bit ready to put them in. Then if they seem to be getting on OK in the pen, you can transfer them to the cage this afternoon.
If all is still going well by bedtime, you could keep them in together if you will be sleeping within earshot, rather than separate them and put them back together in the morning.

When I was bonding Sam and Roo, once they'd got to the stage your two are at, we were putting them together every time anybody was around to keep an eye on them. You can leave them for short periods while you go to another part of the house but I wasn't confident enough to go out and leave them at that stage.
It sounds all good so far, so I would try them together when you have plenty of time and are around.
The rumbling may never stop though! Teddy and Larry are brothers and have been together since birth and are about14 months old and Larry still rumbles at Teddy a few times a day to keep him in his place ;D
I have to go to college tonight but Peter is going to keep an eye on them in the cage and I'll put the girls in the pen for a run. They go quiet for a bit then Cuzzy goes OCD and has to put his scent together again, nobody is paying any notice to him and when I look at him he starts

So funny. I've decided to put them in the cage now and in the pen every day the girls will just have to share the time for now. :)

Thanks for the advice!

Just a note to say Cuzzy and Eccles are in the cage now and although Cuzzy does the odd rumble they seem fine together! :D

I'll sleep on the sofa to make sure all is ok in the morning but fingers cross we've hit the jackpot!

Thanks for your help Sammy and LJ!

I'd suggest when you have a free day and can watch them put them together and then eventually a night.

The reason the bonding is probably going so well is that while Cuzzy is a adult piggy Eccles is only little and his hormones haven't kicked in. That is the day where you will see if it can last. Its going good now though O0
Hi David,

Thanks that is what I've been doing. I'll leave them in the cage all day today and see how they get on. Last night Eccles had to go back in his cage as Cuzzy was rumbling lots at him, but Eccles has been wheeking all night for Cuzzy! They managed 6 hours in the cage together yesterday so I'll see how they go on today!

Good luck Louise, Ralfie rumbled loads at Sephy but he loved her i could tell lol! So the rmbling may just be Cuzzy being a man lol! Mind you Ralfie rumbles at himself whenever you put him in an open space 98) probably not the best one to compare to ;D glad its going well!
LOL Emma, It must be an Aby thing they are a little crazy! :) Cuzzy is still rumbling but not as much, I've given them two igloos and they seem to be ok and I've just heard lots of chattering in the cage and thought Cuzzy was teeth chattering but no he is eating a carrot! The first time he has managed something more solid since being unwell! So I think he realises Eccles is his buddy but at the same time has to tell him who is boss! :D
Aw well done Cuzzy with the carrot! :smitten: sounds like they're doing well :) to be honest i think you'd know by now if it wasnt going to work but dont want to push them! i think youre doing a great job :) x
Thanks Emma, and just as I said it was going well Cuzzy got in a strop over wanting to dominate both igloos so I took them both out! They have calmed down now. Going to change the fleece in a min, got some more today £1.969 in B&M its pet fleece blankets but I have enough now to change everyday!
Hi All,

Just an update. Cuzzy is still rumbling at Eccles no aggression he just has to tell him who is boss. I had to put Eccles in his own cage last night as it was so bad and this went on until 2am I just had to get some sleep!

So what do I do just put up with the rumbling through the night, they were fine all day and I thought I'd give them their igloos back last night but Cuzzy wanted both of them and was rumbling up and down the cage going from one to the other, very, very funny to watch but at the same time I want them to be buddies! Eccles doesn't seem bothered by Cuzzy rumbling, he is like whatever!

Eccles became the less dominate pig on Saturday, I saw him give in to Cuzzy so why Cuzzy has to act all rumbly all the time I don't know! Is it me doing it wrong? Should I just leave them of a night to get on with it?

AhhhH! Bless you for your concern 0:) I'd just leave them to get on with it (so long as it is just verbal showing off and no actual fisticuffs!) and think it's just a dominance thing. I'm sure they'll settle soon. O0
I think i'd just leave them too Louise, i think you'd know by now if Cuzzy was going to go for him, its up to you though x
I agree Emma, it's just they were keeping me awake. I've made a permanent c&c in the living room now by our fish tank it is a strange shape but is basically the same area as a 4x2 and they seem happy enough. I think Cuzzy is one of those pigs that needs lots of things to do as well. :)
Lol it will give him more to do going round the bends as its a strange shape ;D gald you got a cage sorted out :)
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