How To Transport 4 Guinea Pigs?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 4, 2017
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I'm not sure how i am to transport my guinea pigs to our summer place, this is the first time we are going with them.
I know not to transport them two in one cage, but are there any cages you know of i can divide, or something similar?
its a 4 and a half hour drive, so quite long for them. we have already figured out stops and how to keep them cool, my only issue is how i am to contain them, what cage or cages.
Thankful for all ideas! :)
(theres four of them; Milda, Milou, Marwin and Tintin)
Hi there,

To be honest, I just use pet carriers, but the larger cat ones and put two pigs in each carrier. I've carried 6 piggies to lodgings before going on holiday. I use little mouse water bottles and put a little water in each rather than filing them completely to stop over leaking. I use news paper as a liner then hay and then keep cucumber or favourite treats in a box and feed them on stops or put a few pieces inside the carriers, but not too much.

I also strap the carriers in place with seat belts in case of any sharp breaking.
When i bought my two lovelies home from the rescue i transported them in a top loading carrier lined with newspaper and hay hay hay. They burrowed down and munched quite happily.
I also brought 2 piggies home transporting them into a quite large cat carrier; the journey lasted 2 hours by train and another half hour by car (x two; because helaf hour for coming to me to the station and then another half hour for coming home). They had a blanket and a lot of hay, plus some vegs and no water (they don't drink...), they did not seem stressed at all and ate part of their vegs.
You don't have to worry... just need two carriers.
Maybe you need a cage which can be disassembled to assemble again in your summer house.
Thank you!
This made it a lot easier, especially since i was panicking and thought i need to buy 4 carriers. Having two larger cat carriers is a lot easier!
Thank you guys! :D
Thanks for handy small tips aswell :3
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