How to train to get in carrier


New Born Pup
Jun 18, 2020
Reaction score
Texas, United States
Sorry if this has been answered already, I searched the forums a bit but didn't find an answer. I'm wondering how to train guineas to get in to the carrier to get them back and forth from cage to play pen, back to cage, etc. I have herded them in once, but can't seem to get them to do it again. They are still new so I don't expect them to just go right in, but I'm wondering how I can teach them to get in when I have to clean their cage!
Snacks are always a good bet, put a bit of veg in also put a bit of their own bedding in the carrier so it smells right. Once they get used to the idea that the carrier is the piggy bus to get to the playpen, they should mostly hop right in (except when they don't!) :)
Yes, definitely with food! Piggies will often go anywhere following a nice veg trail!

Mine now will mostly just walk into the pet carrier as soon as I put it down in their shed. It’s generally easier getting them from shed/cage to playpen than it is the other way round! I have to put the carrier in the playpen and remove every other hidey to get them to go back home!
Thank you both! How big should the play pen be for 2 guineas? Their home cage is like 2.5 x 4 feet with a second story but they don't go upstairs much. The play pen is a hexagon about 4 feet across. I just want to make sure I give them enough room/stimulation. I can't let them roam around anywhere because they will most certainly run away as they are still new!
Two guinea pigs need a cage of a minimum of 120cm x 60cm (4ft x 2ft). It is the minimum welfare size but if you have two males, then that size isn’t big enough (two males need a cage of 6ft x 2ft). Upper levels do not count towards the cage size in any event. Piggies need their space to be big enough on one level as they are ground roaming creatures.
Ideally the run would be bigger on floor space than the cage otherwise they aren’t really gaining any extra exercise space, particularly as your cage is of a minimum size.
I leave their carriers inside the run's, it both serves as a safe heaven and since I carry them from their shed in the carrier to the run and back again, they've got used to it. Yes occasionally I get the odd naughty boy (always a boy)but I herd him in.

My previous piggies used to respond to me singing a little tune (bonkers I know but hey it worked)!
Food will definitely encourage them to get in a carrier, piggies do anything for food! Mine hop in their carriers because they know it's time to go outside for grass time. Coming back in doors is nugget time so they are eager to come back indoors too. In the winter they have grass or veg scattered in the playpen (or on the floor) to ensure they are happy to come out of their cage.