The only way to test for the presence of blood are pretty expensive dip sticks with which you can test the urine. It can however become a rabbit hole if you suffer from anxiety without actually contributing anything positive. There is no household chemical you can test on the cheap; hence why you have been unable to find any information.
Pet Owners Anxiety - Practical Tips For Sufferers and For Supporters
Sheer blood dries to a mid-brown, porphyrin-coloured deep red pees which are characteristic for the onset of a bacterial urine infection or a sterile cystitis (IC) will dry into maroon shades; those pees can contain blood but not necessarily. Normal oxidising pees dry into shades of orange and rust.
If you are dealing with a developing infection of some sort, then there will be more 'bloody' pees over the coming days. It takes about 5 days for symptoms to become consistent (squeaking when peeing and all pees containing blood and protein).
If you notice more pees of that sort, then please book a vet appointment.