So I recently found out that the piggy I adopted is already a senior. He has been stubborn lately, and has been demanding (wheeking forcingly) always asking for food but does not like to eat ANYTHING. He would be interested with something for one meal, and then would get tired of it after. He is already skin and bones. It’s been hard to make him gain weight since he’s already old. I tried to give him critical care but he would just end up with soft and impacted poos
He would also sometimes trip when he would walk also, and his hair is thin (even when I first got him, no bald patches) Are these really signs of a senior piggy? Any advice on how to take care of him better?
Hi and welcome
It sounds like you have rather got a very ill/malnourished piggy on your hands, which doesn't necessarily mean that they are old; even when they look like it. If you get piggies from the free-ads, please be aware that many owners keen to get rid of problem piggies are sadly most economic with the truth.
Please a see a vet for a good health check as soon as you can get an appointment in the coming week (the sooner the better), including potential dental overgrowth at the back of the mouth. The premolars can form spurs which either bridge and trap and tongue or - more rarely - burrow into the flesh of the checks. The molars have evolved against being constantly ground down by the very abrasive silica in hay/grass fibre, which is the mainstay of their diet. The self-sharpening incisors will then also start overgrowing when they no longer meet.
It sounds like your piggy is for some reason not eating enough/not able to eat properly and has not been able to for a while. But only a thorough hands-on examination at a vet's will tell you what is going on.
Unfortunately, you really need to step in with syringe feeding to get the hay fibre into him that he is obviously not getting through hay (which should make at least three quarters of what he is eating in a day) - as close to 90 ml in a day for a piggy that is not eating for themselves as possible. A healthy piggy in their prime will at about the equivalent of 90-120 ml of syringe feed in a day.
Keep in mind that longer term malnutrition can lead to gut problems. Not feeding hay based syringe feed means that your piggy will die from starvation if he can still be saved. Please add plenty of probiotics to the feed to help build up the atrophied gut microbiome.
Without any necessary medical care for the underlying health problem, you won't be able to get your poor piggy back to health. But your feeding care to keep your piggy alive until they have fully recovered from whatever is going on, is as important - it takes both the medical care and the round the clock home feeding support to get your piggy through this if you want to be within a chance of saving them.
Here are some helpful practical how-to information guide links:
Emergency and crisis care:
Emergency, Crisis and Bridging Care until a Vet Appointment
Not Eating, Weight Loss And The Importance Of Syringe Feeding Fibre
All About Syringe Feeding and Medicating Guinea Pigs with Videos and Pictures (includes information on probiotics)
Caring for Older Piggies and Facing the End - A practical and supportive information collection