How to stop barbering?

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mutton chops

Hiya :)

I was wondering if there is anything I can do to stop Bubbles from eating Melly and Bee-Bops hair?
I was putting up with it until I went to my first cavy show and decided I was going to enter them into the pet class in the next one. I thought wrapping their hair could help, but I wouldn't really want to do this until I know there isn't anything better I could do about it, cos I love grooming them and playing with their hair! At the mo, it looks like I've given them bad layers ;D!

Anything you can suggest would be great, even if it's a long shot ;).
Thank you

Mutton Chops
they barber for different reasons dominance boredom at times!
try putting tubes and other things to distract them maybe that might help?
Just that you know this is not a pro showing forum
I find, a light rub with peppermint will normally do the trick. The other just don't like the smell.
Thank you.
Do you mean a peppermint essential oil, or the herb?
It's defo dominance, they have more toys and stuff to chew on than p@h has in stock!
I personally use the herb peppermint ...depending on the carrier oil in the essence I don't know if it's safe to use on piggies.....
Yeah, its not worth risking it.
I'll try that. Even if it dosn't work, it'll make 'them smell nice!
Thank you :)
Would a neutered boar from a rescue help with the older females dominance if other deterants don't work?

Always looking for a good excuse to give a piggie a good home.

Mutton Chops Mum
i had a similar problem a little while ago, made sure that there was ALWAYs hay in the cage and some boxes to chew and it has stopped... so worth a try! i have heard that sometimes hair tastes better than hay and if there is no hay they get a taste for their own hair! strange! ... x
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