How To Start Doing Lap Time?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Jan 25, 2017
Reaction score
North East, England
How do I get my piggies to do lap time? With years of having hamsters I'm still a bit jumpy...but I know I need to get used to getting them out. MoMo my older pig is used to being held by her previous owner but she still isn't fully confident with me just yet. But noodle is around 5 months old and has rarely been out I know this is bad on my part but she's been so scared I just never want to stress them out too much. I've tried using they're hidey homes to get them out and this does work most of the time. Sometimes it just ends up in an excaped pig and a chase in the bedroom I have a run and they do go in it but they rarely have lap time and really don't seem to like being picked up. I'm just so afraid of being bitten or dropping my babies please help!
How do I get my piggies to do lap time? With years of having hamsters I'm still a bit jumpy...but I know I need to get used to getting them out. MoMo my older pig is used to being held by her previous owner but she still isn't fully confident with me just yet. But noodle is around 5 months old and has rarely been out I know this is bad on my part but she's been so scared I just never want to stress them out too much. I've tried using they're hidey homes to get them out and this does work most of the time. Sometimes it just ends up in an excaped pig and a chase in the bedroom I have a run and they do go in it but they rarely have lap time and really don't seem to like being picked up. I'm just so afraid of being bitten or dropping my babies please help!

Hi! Please have a good read through these guides here. You will find the tips very helpful!
How To Pick Up And Weigh Your Guinea Pig
How To Understand Guinea Pig Instincts And Speak Piggy Body Language
Have you considered trying to train them to come into a cat carrier by putting some fresh herbs or grass right at the back? This will mean that you can carry them safely. let them have the carrier to play in as well.
I kept the boxes they came in as storage and changed it so it's got a flap I'm going to put some windows in it so they can see out :) I'll attach some photos of it ✌️ It's noodle that's going to be the runaway I think she's very wiggly and fast lol little tinker! I think all will be better once they're in a c&c cage! I'm just skint ATM with losing my job :( x
I kept the boxes they came in as storage and changed it so it's got a flap I'm going to put some windows in it so they can see out :) I'll attach some photos of it ✌️ It's noodle that's going to be the runaway I think she's very wiggly and fast lol little tinker! I think all will be better once they're in a c&c cage! I'm just skint ATM with losing my job :( x

You can always have a look for second-hand cat carriers in your local free-ads if you do not mind a thorough clean and disinfection. ;)
You can always have a look for second-hand cat carriers in your local free-ads if you do not mind a thorough clean and disinfection. ;)
Good idea! Thank you ❤️ Also do you know if any animal groomers would cut my long haired pigs hair? I'm not confident enough to do it as she has a lot of hair and it's getting in her eyes x
Good idea! Thank you ❤️ Also do you know if any animal groomers would cut my long haired pigs hair? I'm not confident enough to do it as she has a lot of hair and it's getting in her eyes x

You can always ask.

I just brush the hairs back and then cut my peru's fringe well above their head where they cannot get hurt when they make a sudden movement. Always try to put a finger between the skin and the scissor blade, so you are not in any danger of hurting the piggy.
You can always ask.

I just brush the hairs back and then cut my peru's fringe well above their head where they cannot get hurt when they make a sudden movement. Always try to put a finger between the skin and the scissor blade, so you are not in any danger of hurting the piggy.
If she will sit still lol thank you x
My two (six month olds) are not at all keen on lap time. It has now become sitting on the sofa next to me in their hide time.

They have been doing that for a week or so now. Jingle will eat quite happily and even tolerates the odd stroke round her eyes and ears. Mistletoe ate for the first time yesterday. It was wonderful. She still freezes most of the time.

I transport them in their strawberry hide. They dont like nail cutting time but have not tried to bite. I do hope you find a way that you are comfortable with so that you can all start to enjoy laptime.
My two (six month olds) are not at all keen on lap time. It has now become sitting on the sofa next to me in their hide time.

They have been doing that for a week or so now. Jingle will eat quite happily and even tolerates the odd stroke round her eyes and ears. Mistletoe ate for the first time yesterday. It was wonderful. She still freezes most of the time.

I transport them in their strawberry hide. They dont like nail cutting time but have not tried to bite. I do hope you find a way that you are comfortable with so that you can all start to enjoy laptime.
It's just getting them out and keeping them there lol x
If they have somewhere to hide, keeping there should be fine. As for getting them out do you have a tunnel or any kind of box with an end cut off that you could herd them into?
If they have somewhere to hide, keeping there should be fine. As for getting them out do you have a tunnel or any kind of box with an end cut off that you could herd them into?
I cut a box up for them but they will not go in at all ! Am stuck and now they don't like being stroked inside their cages at all now Really fed up that I'm so scared about picking them up
I was totally in the same boat with mine, one stays or hides straight away in her cosy so she gets lifted out in that.... the other was
and still is awful .... if I didn't get her first time she would hide and chatter at me to say don't even try that one again !
which did scare me a little like you say, I have never been confident with picking them up , but she has a poorly eye now and needs drops
4 to 6 times a day.... so I know I have to do it and both her and me are getting a lot more used to each other even after 2 days
she still tried to get away and if she does I have no hope but to leave her but first I try and coax her into a cosy with a bit of food
if she isn't interested I sit there for a few mins just talking and she seeme to relax a little then , I try an then pretend I'm cleaning out
so I'm not interested in her so much and she will go look in the cosy at whats there .... and I scoop her up
there has been the odd occasion where I havnt the time to sit with her and I have put extra box in there that she hides in straight away
and I gently move my hand in and get her while she cant run anywhere .... slow seems to be the best way with her
as to begin with I always thought be faster than them .... it never works they are just too quick
sometimes there are days ( not at the moment when I have to get her out no matter what for her medication ) when I say OK
I get it your not in the mood at all..... leave her be and come back later in the day
good luck , I do know totally where your coming from but they do react to your fear definitely
I was totally in the same boat with mine, one stays or hides straight away in her cosy so she gets lifted out in that.... the other was
and still is awful .... if I didn't get her first time she would hide and chatter at me to say don't even try that one again !
which did scare me a little like you say, I have never been confident with picking them up , but she has a poorly eye now and needs drops
4 to 6 times a day.... so I know I have to do it and both her and me are getting a lot more used to each other even after 2 days
she still tried to get away and if she does I have no hope but to leave her but first I try and coax her into a cosy with a bit of food
if she isn't interested I sit there for a few mins just talking and she seeme to relax a little then , I try an then pretend I'm cleaning out
so I'm not interested in her so much and she will go look in the cosy at whats there .... and I scoop her up
there has been the odd occasion where I havnt the time to sit with her and I have put extra box in there that she hides in straight away
and I gently move my hand in and get her while she cant run anywhere .... slow seems to be the best way with her
as to begin with I always thought be faster than them .... it never works they are just too quick
sometimes there are days ( not at the moment when I have to get her out no matter what for her medication ) when I say OK
I get it your not in the mood at all..... leave her be and come back later in the day
good luck , I do know totally where your coming from but they do react to your fear definitely
There my babies too so if I ever hurt them or caused them stress! Or dropped them :no: I would be distraught! It's a working progress and their new cage is coming after the 6th so they'll hopefully be a lot more friendly/chatty and willling when they're not lonely. Think it is just trial and error, like some days their in the best of moods and others they do not want to know me (Unless there is veggies). I still love them unconditionally tho ❤❤x
I get this too. My babies are about 3 months old and I've had them a month. They weren't tame when I got them so I'm playing the slow game. I got them straight into a routine and gradual hand acceptance. They now come to me for food and I always hand feed the first bit, they do snatch and run but we've made loads of progress. Even with picking out old food, they go to run away but then carry on eating as my hand is ignoring them.
I now pick them up once in the evening and I sweep in slow but steady and they do seem to accept it and as I bring them to my lap I do a quick bum check.
I only hold them for a minute or so and in that time give them a quick flick with the brush (Angus is long haired). I will begin to hold them for longer as now they aren't so frozen but beginning to look about and sniff.
They are quick though!
The best way they learnt to accept me is by me sitting right next to their pen in my comfy chair, on my phone, just doing my thing and ignoring them. They soon got used to my movements and voice whilst also feeling safe.
It's hard but patience is the key... I've never had piggies untamed before so it's a learning process!
Good luck!
I use a t-shirt that smells of me and put it over then and cuddle them close then I sit down with them or I bring the hay tray and they sit in that :) I'm so proud of myself because they all love laptime and Hudson loves to be cuddled by me too lol he was really well behaved but doesn't like anyone else holding him except for me x
Wow! That is so good! I haven't really done lap time yet, so I'm a little nervous... but I think I'll start today!
Yesterday took a strange turn MoMo was getting one of her baths as her hair is all dirty and needed brushing. SHE BIT ME ! It didn't hurt just a little nibble. Turns out her hair was all matted and wrapped round her foot :( poor bairn x
The way I tamed my pigs was by calling them with a simple two syllable noise and offering veggies with the noise. Now, after just a few weeks they come scampering up to the cage/run bars when I make the noise as they know there will be food! This led to me being able to stroke their faces when they came up. Also, make sure you always offer veggies during lap time and they will come to see it as a positive thing and will want to be picked up and learn not to fear you as much. There may always be some degree of fear as they are prey animals and running away/hiding could save their lives in the wild. It just takes some time. Good luck! x
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