How to safely break up a cat fight


Teenage Guinea Pig
May 7, 2017
Reaction score
East Midlands
I live in a street with many cats,
And some tend to pick fights with ours and the neighbours cats.

Just got home to find my neighbours cats in the middle of a bad fight! Throwing each over round the street! Which obviously is distressing to see but also I can’t leave them as they could get hit by a car or seriously injured themselves!

I tried clapping my hands loudly and reprimanding them by saying ‘No’ a few times but they were going for each other pretty strongly!

I took my jumper off and separated them using it
It took a while but I got them apart and to go into their own gardens (quite a few houses apart)
Unfortunately there were a few children around getting worried
So I was trying to explain how dangerous it can be to get in between fighting animals with just your body’s or hands.

I explained how a stern no or hand clapping can startle cat who are just growling and not full on fighting
But a fight is serious and they can’t just grab their cats and should get an adult.

I’ve given them tips like clapping, loud noises and water spray can calm them down.

But a full fight needs them separated properly with either a brook between them or a blanket, hence my jumper.

Then when they are apart you can check them for injury’s.

Any other tips on separating fighting cats?
I know it’s best to get an adult as a child but what if there are none or the adult doesn’t know what to do?
If you see a child going to get their cat(s) tell them to back off. Tell them quick tho or they will not hear you. Children tend to be very stubborn. Also do your neighbors know?
If you see a child going to get their cat(s) tell them to back off. Tell them quick tho or they will not hear you. Children tend to be very stubborn. Also do your neighbors know?

Yes I know, that’s why I was worried that they would see me, a young adult, and try to copy in future.
Yes they’re both aware of the fight, the main attacking cat has a bit of a rep as a fighter unfortunately, he’s scratched children before 😔
I checked them both for obvious injury’s and they looked ok but obviously being thrown around could have some hidden injury’s.

I’m always aware of how children will view things like this, it’s good to make them aware of how to deal with these situations but stress that adults should be the one doing to intervening.

I remember being a child myself and wanting to stop a cat fight but not knowing how and getting hurt in the process 😔
Wow, it has scratched children? I think taking your cat(s) to the vet just to be sure.
Wow, it has scratched children? I think taking your cat(s) to the vet just to be sure.

It’s not my cat that has scratched children, it’s one of my neighbours, the woman who owns it works at a vets and she takes in unwanted/difficult cats which I think might be some of the issues it has.
This cat hasn’t attacked my cats before
I’ve just heard my cats hissing at other cats in the street
There are a lot of cats on this particular street!
Ohhh ok. I get it. I’m sorry, I must of not understood
Ohhh ok. I get it. I’m sorry, I must of not understood

That’s ok! ☺️
I was pretty worked up when I wrote the thread so maybe I wasn’t as clear as I could have been 😊

Your comment did lead to a very interesting conversation between my partner and me about how to keep children safe in scary situations though 😊
Without sounding horrible, the only way I know to break up a cat fight without risking injury yourself or hurting the cats is to chuck a glass/jug of water at them. Yes they may end up a tad soggy but the shock of getting wet should separate them safely.
I agree with @Flutterby I have two cats myself and my two and two cats who live 2 doors down completely hate each other. One of my cats has recently had cystitis due to the stress!

When they start attacking each other in our garden, we have to throw water at them as it seems to be the only things that splits them up
About 30 years ago 2 Tom cats were having a huge fight right outside my front door, fur flying, yowling, the works. I got a bucket full of cold water and chucked it at them. That soon stopped them. I could see them fighting to the death if I hadn't done that as they had being going hammer and tongs at each other for about 5 minutes or so and everyone was too scared to get in between them.
That’s ok! ☺️
I was pretty worked up when I wrote the thread so maybe I wasn’t as clear as I could have been 😊

Your comment did lead to a very interesting conversation between my partner and me about how to keep children safe in scary situations though 😊
I’m happy to help anyone!