How To Potty Train (if Possible)?

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Adult Guinea Pig
May 17, 2014
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I was wondering if it was possible to potty train piggies? How do you do it? What should I put on the bottom of the litter box/tray? Thanks for your help!
Mine are partly litter trained.They are in large c&c cages on fleece and at one end I have litter trays with newspaper then finacard then hay.I also peg a fleece over the cage as they like privacy to do their business.Still have odd pees and poo on fleece but majority in litter trays.Their water bottles are over their litter trays too
Corner trays work well for me....bedding, then hay, then fresh hay next to the tray and food very closey by...they love doing their business whilst eating....what habits they have!
Lol in one end and out the other!

Good idea having the water bottles above the litter. I'm gonna have to try that.
I'm currently on with this right now and its HARD!

My piglet may just be stubborn as hell but I have got a corner litter tray and started by leaving a small amount of used bedding in there for the scent and removing everything else from the area not in the litter tray as soon as it is ermmm.. deposited. She's starting to get it a bit more now but still the odd bits.

My litter tray is below drinking area and with a lot of hay because pigs like to eat when they do there business.
Ugh I need to start something, mine pee and poo mostly poo poo poo,OH, did I say poo?!? EVERYWHERE! In their cage, mostly in their sleeping areas, But pretty much any nook and cranny they can get their butts into there it is POO! Lol I have two corner litter boxes. I have to find a way to get their water in there, but not sure how to hang it above the litter as of yet.

I'm gonna watch this thread like a HAWK! There HAS to be a way for the love of pig poo! Sigh......

I was shocked yesterday that all the newspaper downstairs in the hutch under the fleece was not urine stained at all, 100% dry, and last time there was only a small stain so I think I'm getting there with my fellas :)
They have had a corner loo for about a month now and it's got newspaper and then horrid not fit to eat hay in it the loo is very wet each morning and is changed so they do wee. :) They will poop in the loo but seem to happy pooping all over the place which I don't mind because that's easy to spot clean during the day :)
My tip is always keep the loo in the same place so they know where it is, and you have to put it in the place they wee the seems to be working for my 3 :)
Kell x
I'm currently trying too potty train also..

I'm absolutely failing!

My pigs go to the bathroom everywhere! They even go as far as too move the corner litter tray so they can use that corner of the cage! But not actually in the litter tray!

They literally go everywhere.. Apart from where I want them too go!

Silly pigs!
I feel your pain Abbie! My litter trays have hooks on them so they can't move them! Can you hook yours somehow?
I have two pigs and I have a corner litter box and I tried different things in it but once I put fleece in the litter box my Stevie started using it to go pee. But Tiger doesn't use it. I see the odd poop in it but they usually poop anywhere, but since they are on fleece it is easy to clean. I hope they fully catch on.
I have two pigs and I have a corner litter box and I tried different things in it but once I put fleece in the litter box my Stevie started using it to go pee. But Tiger doesn't use it. I see the odd poop in it but they usually poop anywhere, but since they are on fleece it is easy to clean. I hope they fully catch on.
So wait, you have fleece in the cage AND you put fleece in the litter tray?!? And they go pee in the tray?!?
I thought it was weird I thought they might use it has a bed but no Stevie pees and sometimes poops in it. I tried hay in it and they just ate the hay, I tried the soft bedding but was a no go and my piggy's don't poop and pee much where they eat they do most at the back of the cage. I just wish I could get Tiger to use it to.
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