How To Now When Pigs Have Bonded?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Sep 2, 2016
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United Kingdom
IMG_7540.webp IMG_7539.webp IMG_7534.webp I'm currently bonding my 2 male guinea pigs ( Bruce and gizmo ) literally right now and I just wondered when do u know if they are bonding and when can I move them into their cage together ? Thanks
Normally when the dust has settled. That means when they have stopped rumble strutting/ lunging/teeth chattering and are munching or resting. Here are some threads you can have a read of to see what you may hear or see doing this time.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
Boars: A guide to successful companionship.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs

There has been not one fight and they are now led down next to eachother. Now and again they purr and hump eachother but that's it. It's read all of the threads now thanks!
There has been not one fight and they are now led down next to eachother. Now and again they purr and hump eachother but that's it. It's read all of the threads now thanks!

My first bonding session ever was like that. It was when I put my neutered male in with my two sows and I read lots of info on here and was prepared for all kinds of fun and games and within 10 mins they were settled. No lunging or teeth chattering at all, it was quite the anticlimax... sounds like you have a well matched and happy pair
View attachment 55347 View attachment 55346 View attachment 55345 I'm currently bonding my 2 male guinea pigs ( Bruce and gizmo ) literally right now and I just wondered when do you know if they are bonding and when can I move them into their cage together ? Thanks

Usually you can move them to their cage when they have had their first nap together and are still fine after waking up. If not, they will need more time to settle.
Please take the time to read through this guide here. It will tell you what to look out for.
Illustrated Bonding / Dominance Behaviours And Dynamics
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