how to keep your pigs cool!

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May 28, 2012
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Chicago IL
summer's here and no one knows heat like a piggy. I have been trying hard to keep my pig cool.
Cause I don't have central AC. Next time your piggy looks hot give them an ice cube.
My pig George Baily loves to cuddle his cubes like a teddy bear! And he seems less effected by the heat and looks as cute as heck!

Hope this method works for you too!
Last night we lost power for many hours, and therefore had no AC. It's been really hot where I am for the past couple of weeks and I was very worried about my pig, Hastings. He seemed a little agitated by the slowly increasing heat, but drank a lot of water and enjoyed some chilled cucumbers. I wish I had thought to give him an ice cube (while we still had them)!
I would love to have some sun here in cloudy/rainy Scotland where I'm sure I'm suffering from seasonal affective disorder in July and there are such torrents coming down outside that the road has been washed away. We have officially the lowest amount of sunshine hours in the UK last month (Eskdalemuir)...

My piggies are still using their hot water bottles :)
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