How To Isolate New Pigs?

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New Born Pup
Jan 16, 2016
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Hello, I am getting a pair of very young guinea pig boars today.They will be in the same cage. I was wondering how I should isolate them when them get home? Should they be in a room by themselves or a room that is frequently visted by people? Is it ok to put their cage next to my other guinea pig?
Hello, I am getting a pair of very young guinea pig boars today.They will be in the same cage. I was wondering how I should isolate them when them get home? Should they be in a room by themselves or a room that is frequently visted by people? Is it ok to put their cage next to my other guinea pig?

Hi and welcome!

We recommend to quarantine new guinea pigs in another room to your existing guinea pigs unless they come from a good rescue where they have already undergone a quarantine or have been born under good conditions and are only put up for adoption if they are perfectly healthy. Please use good hygiene, i.e. careful hand washing etc. in case the piggies develop ringworm, which is the single most transmittable thing they can get, as it quickly transmits to other mammals (including humans).
Here are our quarantining tips: Importance Of Quarantine

We have got lots of information at the top of our various Care sections, but you are always welcome to ask questions in there.

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